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Photo by Valiant Made on Unsplash

Every time I leave the house, I manage to spend more money than I expected.

I’ve tried leaving my credit cards at home, only to succumb to using Apple Pay to give myself a sweet little treat. I take a different route on my Hot Girl Walks to avoid Starbucks, then stumble upon a new neighborhood shop filled with snacks or trinkets. And even when I have to do horrid things like going to the dentist, I somehow just have to peek into Target (and leave with bags and bags of clothing), or I reward myself for that grueling session in the dreaded dental chair with lunch (mouth still numb …).

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I’m soooo good at saving money in the winter … because I don’t do anything or go anywhere. When it’s cold — and heaven forbid raining or snowing! — I am a master of staying home, cooking cozy soups at home, and watching the number in my savings accounts grow.
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via Tiffany & Co.

When the new Tiffany's campaign was unveiled, reactions were mixed.

Tiffany's, the iconic jewelry brand which does not (despite what some might have been misled to believe), in fact, serve breakfast, featured Jay Z, Beyoncé, and a rare Basquiat painting in their recent campaign.

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