Everyone has made rash purchases in their life, both large and small. The feeling that you won't have an opportunity to buy something again can lead you to jump the gun but can leave you with feelings of regret later on. If you're looking for some budget-friendly guidance and need some help walking away with your wallet intact then here are some tips.

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Feng Shui is about manipulating how energy flows through your space. By manipulating this energy you can reinvent your space. Using Feng Shui in the office is all about organizing in a way that makes you feel energized, focused, productive, and powerful. Without making big changes you can retake control. So use these Feng Shui steps to harness your offices' chi for your success.

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Life in your 20s is very different from life in your 50s. You aren't in the same place each decade of your life and your financial needs change. There are constant good decisions like don't spend more than you can afford, save up for a bad day, and so on but what about the advice that changes? Here are some of the best pieces of advice for each decade of your life.

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Women face multiple disadvantages in the workforce. Economic and societal restrictions keep women from reaching the higher rungs of the business world. While that is changing it's hard to navigate the road, but there are lots of great resources for women in business to take advantage of and learn from. Here is a collection of books, videos, and articles for those looking for knowledge on how to get ahead. No matter how much time you have to spare, there's something here for you!

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