
Everyone can always use some extra cash. There’s gotta be an easier way than working overtime or wasting your life on obscure side hustles. I’m sure you’ve had friends say, “just invest your money, bro” – if only it were that simple. With so many personal investment apps out there, it can be tough to find one that’s right for you. Whether you’re looking for a basic approach, automated investing, or sophisticated trading tools – there’s an app for everyone.

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They don't teach you "adulting" in school. But lucky for you, I'm here to explain to you the pros and cons of acquiring a credit card. Of course, there comes more responsibility with a credit card, but it also holds a certain amount of respectability and authenticity. I admit, I see my friends who pay with a credit card as having their life more together than I have mine. But the question still holds — who needs the hassle?

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Boomer Financial Advice to Ditch

It's easy to dish out what you might think is great financial advice if you're from the boomer generation — the most recent generation to accumulate copious amounts of wealth compared to others.

But does the financial advice of this aging generation still hold up today?

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If you're savvy when it comes to apps but could use some direction in your investing game, combine the two and go from investing newbie to knowledgeable with tips you can tap into. Entering into the world of investing can be daunting, so invest your time before you invest your hard-earned dough. These 5 apps for investing beginners will lead you in the right direction. Invest with the best!
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