
Do You Really Need That?

Everyone has made rash purchases in their life, both large and small. The feeling that you won’t have an opportunity to buy something again can lead you to jump the gun but can leave you with feelings of regret later on. If you’re looking for some budget-friendly guidance and need some help walking away with

Trim the Fat: Try a Spending Diet

You spend $30 on Chinese takeout for just yourself on Monday. On Tuesday you bought a $5 latte. You finally purchased all the items in your shopping cart and spent $102 on Wednesday. Silver lining, you got free shipping. Thursday you went to the new craft cocktail bar. You bought yourself a drink and then

​How to Save Money Around the Holidays — but Still Give Great Gifts

No Santa to bail you out this year, it's all you

via Cleo

Ah yes, ’tis finally the giving season! As someone whose love-language is gift giving, I relish most opportunities to spoil my friends with sweet tokens of appreciation. I am the queen of spontaneous gifts. When I’m puttering around the city, doing my silly little tasks, I always perk up when I find some small trinket

How to Save Money on a Road Trip

Road trips can be a lot of fun — but they can also drain your wallet quickly if you aren’t careful. From high gas costs and park admission fares to lodging and the price of eating out every night, the expenses can add up quickly. But at the same time, it’s very possible to do

Lifestyle Changes That Will Help You Save Money

Trying to save money can be overwhelming. It’s difficult to navigate which expenses of your daily routine can be eliminated for financial gain and which are necessities. Many people believe that in order to accumulate savings, sacrifices must be made. And while simple sacrifices such as minimizing your takeout purchases and online shopping habits may

Center Stage: Tips for Staging Your Home on a Budget

Between buying a new home and transporting yourself and your belongings to it, moving can be an expensive process. One often underrecognized cost of moving occurs before one’s original house has even been sold, and that’s staging the house. Homeowners often spend hundreds of dollars making a home appealing to potential buyers. To ease the

Financial Decisions You’ll Need To Make in Your 20s

Entering your 20s means you’ll quickly need to learn how to navigate the world of personal finances, much of which you probably didn’t learn in college or high school courses. Without any previous lessons on finances, it can be challenging to know where to start. Follow this guide as we outline the financial decisions you’ll

How to Make the Most of Your Stimulus Check

With another stimulus check in your pocket, spending the money on anything you want may seem tempting. However, it’s important to consider your responsibilities and to think about how to make the most of your stimulus check rather than spending it recklessly. Take your budget, your monthly expenses, your family, and your future into consideration