
Look, I get it. We live in a social media-driven world, where millions of people log into their multiple accounts daily — even hourly! — to promote the illusion of their ideal life. They share snapshots of the highlights of their days: trips to the cafe, lush travels to islands, shopping trips at luxury fashion houses.

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In the words of Ferris Bueller: “Life comes at ya fast.” I learned this when, after graduating college, I suddenly had to get my life together and financially support myself. The horror.

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15 Percent Pledge Pop-Up Shop

via 15 Percent Pledge Pop-Up Shop
When someone describes an experience as “a movie,” they mean it was euphoric and cinematic…the stuff of dreams. We all want summer to be a movie, our nights out with friends, our weekends in the city. And thanks to the 15 Percent Pledge Pop-Up in LA, I can safely say that mine was.
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Everyone has made rash purchases in their life, both large and small. The feeling that you won't have an opportunity to buy something again can lead you to jump the gun but can leave you with feelings of regret later on. If you're looking for some budget-friendly guidance and need some help walking away with your wallet intact then here are some tips.

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