7 tips to save money at the bar

Bar tab shock is a precursor to other drinking regrets. It's easy to spend more money when the drinks are flowing and everyone loves the person who buys a round. The average person spends $50 or more on night of drinking. If you're going out at least once a week for a month, you've dropped $200 on alcohol not including the meals you might have purchased. If you're on a tight budget that is not a feasible habit to keep up. Follow a few tips to manage your fun night and your wallet will thank you.

However big the budget, always allocate money for a tip for the bartender. Keep your bartender happy and you'll have a good evening.

1. Skip the top shelf and imported.

Top shelf stuff is obviously the good stuff, but if you're on the budget get your cocktails mixed with well liquor. It's not the best liquor but you can have you alcohol without spending a more than you want to on liquor. Beers that are on tap, domestic or local tend to be less inexpensive than imported beers.

2. Happy hour is happy for a reason.

Happy hour is the best time to get drinks. Cocktails, beer, wine or even liquor can be half price depending what bar you're going. Technically you could drink double the about within your normal bar budget. Outside the typical happy hour, look for drink specials.

3. Drink water between each drink.

You should probably already be doing this anyway, but drinking a glass of water between each alcohol drink will slow down your alcoholic consumption. That saves you money and keeps you from drinking too much alcohol.

4. Skip the shots and get a sipping drink.

Shots can be a bit of a waste when it comes to drinking. One gulp and you are done. If you order a beer, a glass of wine or a whiskey, you can sip. Sipping takes longer to drink there for e you're not buying as many drinks.

5. Set a budget and stick with it.

Give your self a limit before you even get to the bar. And then carry that limit in cash. Whenever you are done with the cash then you are done drinking. Look up the menu before you go out so are prepared to order drinks within your budget.

6. Pregame.

Pregaming isn't just for college students with tight budgets who want wild nights. If you intend to have a wild night out, start at home. Economically it's much cheaper to drink at home than at a bar. So if you really want to take shots, take them at home.

7. Stay home and drink your own booze

If you really want save money on alcohol, skip the bar, stay home and drink. Purchasing alcohol by the bottle is much cheaper since you're not paying for the service or the ambiance. Invite a friend or a few friends over for social aspect of drinking. Plus no need to call an Uber.

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