
I’m soooo good at saving money in the winter … because I don’t do anything or go anywhere. When it’s cold — and heaven forbid raining or snowing! — I am a master of staying home, cooking cozy soups at home, and watching the number in my savings accounts grow.
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As the years go by, you'll likely need to make some large purchases here and there. Plan for these major life purchases by identifying them and saving early.

While it's possible to be frugal with many aspects of your lifestyle, there are certain events and possessions that will require you to spend a substantial amount of money. Thus, a wise course of action is to begin saving well ahead of time while thinking about your goals for the future. This way, you'll be able to maintain a stable financial state even when faced with those large expenses. The following are a few major life purchases that you should plan for.
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When you are newly hitched and learning how to combine your essential legal and financial information as well as your accounts, it can be confusing.

Many people live together before getting married and have begun the process of combining accounts and sharing responsibilities. However, some people wait to do this only after marriage, and others wait until they're married to live together. Whichever path you've chosen, it's still crucial to know a few tips to manage money together as newlyweds to determine where you should begin and how you can remain on the same page.
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If you own a home and are interested in decreasing your seemingly endless monthly expenses, check out these effective ways homeowners can save money.

Everyone likes saving money—especially homeowners.
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