work from home

So…The Hybrid Work Model Is Weighing On Your Mental Health

A majority of the population works from home...but are you happy about it?

Resume Genius via Unsplash

Ever since the pandemic popularized (or forced) virtual meetings and, countless companies adopted the hybrid work model or went completely virtual. And once the public health crisis was declared over, we remained confined to our desks in our kitchens and attics working from home. And it’s not just work. Doctor’s TeleHealth appointments, therapy visits on

How to Get a Better Job That Pays You More

Jobs don't have to be miserable!

Photo by Charles Deluvio (unsplash)

Though the wave of tech layoffs and the threat of a recession has overshadowed yesteryear’s news of the great recession, everywhere you look, employees are asking for more — and getting it. Though this time of uncertainty could have given employers back the power, it’s still in the hands of the workforce. From Gen-Z’s boundary

6 of the Best Jobs to Make Extra Money from Home

You may have a full-time job, or perhaps a part-time gig, but most of us could use some extra money. Unless you have a super-high-paying career (or a trust fund), the struggle to pay the bills and afford the extras is real. Have you considered further padding your wallet and bulking up your bank account

Stay Safe and Productive: The Best Tips For Working from Home

Amidst the coronavirus pandemic, more and more companies are encouraging or requiring employees to work remotely from home, including Google, Amazon, Facebook, and Twitter. While occasionally disruptive, remote work serves as a great opportunity for employees and employers alike. To make the transition easy, here are some of the best practices to consider. Set rules

The Best Places to Get Office Supplies


You could have a desk like everybody else’s, or you could make it stand out. Bring your personal style into the office and make your desk your own. Here are some of the best places to buy unique, fun, and beautiful office supplies. Target (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Hey, you’re already here for dish

3 Clerical Jobs You Can Do From Home

Make your home your office. At one point our society placed high value on how many hours you logged in the office. Increasingly though now, more and more people are opting to spend more time at home and with family. Working from home presents many benefits – from reducing/ eliminating commuting costs, more time with

5 Creative Jobs You Can Do From Home

At one point our society placed high value on how many hours you logged in the office. Increasingly though now, more and more people are opting to spend more time at home and with family. Working from home presents many benefits – from reducing/ eliminating commuting costs, more time with the kids, more personal freedom.