
With the election of Joe Biden to the Presidency, you're probably here seeking to understand how much your taxes are going to go up.

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Tax Relief

Tax debt can become a major source of stress. Wouldn't it be great to just make one payment and have all your tax debt disappear?

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For nearly all of us, having a job is a must. Aside from the money earned, we perform a duty of some sort that help keeps the world go 'round. Some folks love what they do, others can't wait for the clock to strike 5 (or whenever the workday comes to a close.) And while we all can't have our "dream job," whatever that may be, finding happiness in the work we do makes life so much sweeter.

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At the beginning of March, President Donald Trump announced new tariffs on steel and aluminum. Countries importing these goods to the United States would pay a 25 percent tariff on steel and 10 percent on aluminum. Trump said the tariffs are necessary to protect American industry. However, economists and historians disagree, saying that they will actually end up hurting America more than helping it.

Trump wants tariffs on foreign steel and aluminum. But will this actually hurt the American economy?

The idea behind imposing these high tariffs is to protect American steel and aluminum production.

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