
You’ve filed an extension, now what?

April 18 came and your taxes were not ready. So you filed a tax extension. Well, you should file an extension, if you haven’t already. Form 4868 is one of easier tax forms to fill out and it will give you an extra six months to get your taxes together. Everyone is eligible for a

What You Need to Know About Taxes If You Collected Unemployment

Taxes are a confusing topic in any year, but collecting unemployment ads an entirely new layer.

"Taxes Key" by Got Credit is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Tens of millions of Americans collected unemployment last year, many for the first time. You may be doing taxes after collecting unemployment insurance for the first time, and it is important to note that the process is different in a few key ways from traditional employment. When you start a new job, your employer will

Lifestyle Changes That Will Help You Save Money

Trying to save money can be overwhelming. It’s difficult to navigate which expenses of your daily routine can be eliminated for financial gain and which are necessities. Many people believe that in order to accumulate savings, sacrifices must be made. And while simple sacrifices such as minimizing your takeout purchases and online shopping habits may

Tax Deductions That Are Commonly Overlooked

Tax deductions can be tricky to understand if you’re new to the finance world. One of the biggest sources of confusion is knowing what you can and can’t deduct from your taxes. Deductions can be a massive financial boon for a lot of people, yet not everyone files for them correctly. This causes people to

Are Your Taxes Going Up In 2021?

Some have alleged taxes will be going up in 2021. Are they right?

"IRS 1040 Tax Form Being Filled Out" by kenteegardin is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (TCJA) is the hallmark legislation of the Trump administration, and no American taxpayer was unaffected. But was this legislation a Trojan horse that could lead to you paying higher taxes starting in 2021? The Joint Committee on Taxation released a chart indicating that federal taxes for those

How Will the Joe Biden Tax Plan Affect Me?

With the election of Joe Biden to the Presidency, you’re probably here seeking to understand how much your taxes are going to go up. The answer: most people will see no tax increases. The tax plan that Joe Biden has rolled out is targeted at individuals making more than $400,000 a year, less than 1%

The Easiest Way to Get Out of Tax Debt

Tax Relief

Tax debt can become a major source of stress. Wouldn’t it be great to just make one payment and have all your tax debt disappear? With an offer in compromise (OIC), that’s possible. Whether you have major debt, are just getting started in your career, or are in another situation that has made it difficult