customer service

Do you have the "gift of gab" and want to put your money where your mouth is, somewhat literally? Using your voice to help you career-wise is perfect for those who love to talk and do it well. There are specific careers that are well-suited for folks who thrive on interpersonal communication done the old-fashioned way, you know, before texting was the norm. No more keeping quiet on the job front when you can talk your way to the top.

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In any business, no matter the domain, there will always be some element of service. When you picture any kind of customer service representative, what comes to mind is an overly-cheery person chirping away on the phone to a disgruntled customer. It may seem hyperbolic, but having worked in several customer service industries, I can attest to its tricky balance of authenticity and acting. But the skills that you can come away with through a service job can be invaluable when applied to everyday life. Here are some of the things I learned on the job.
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If you own a small business, one of the first major milestones is getting customers to like and pay for your product or service. But a one-time hit is not what will keep the business afloat. You need repeat customers who want to stick around as much as you want them to.

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