customer service

Why Target Is the Worst Store to Shoplift From

Target - Photo by David Suarez 0za (Unsplash)

Despite the fact that late-stage capitalism is an amoral hellhole driven by a borderline religious belief in the sanctity of brands, we would never, ever suggest that anyone should shoplift from big-box stores, or even imply that doing so is morally okay or a victimless crime. But hypothetically, if we were to give any tidbit

Is Your House Always A Mess? Read This

At the risk of being judged, I’ll admit that I just can’t stand cleaning. Getting on the floor to scrub the toilet just isn’t for me. Besides, I don’t have the time to clean during the work week, and on weekends I’d rather be at brunch than in my apartment with a broom in hand.

Surefire Ways to Keep Customers Coming Back

If you own a small business, one of the first major milestones is getting customers to like and pay for your product or service. But a one-time hit is not what will keep the business afloat. You need repeat customers who want to stick around as much as you want them to. To keep customers