
Study Breaks Magazine
College is expensive, and tuition rates are rising year by year. Lots of students turn to academic or sports-based scholarships to help cover the cost, and over the past few years, some students are even getting scholarships through online gaming. It's no surprise that the rapidly growing videogame space is making its way into academic institutions, given that esports are expected to be a $1.5 billion market by 2020.
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Chances are up to know you've only interviewed for service or retail industry jobs that you've gotten right on the spot. Or your mom used some pretty sketchy nepotism to secure you that receptionist gig one summer — shhh, no one has to know.

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Liberal arts is a common college major, but it sounds majorly confusing to many people. It isn't very specific as most majors are, so plenty of incoming freshmen choose to lean towards liberal arts when they are not sure which direction they want to take career-wise. Many feel it will be a stepping stone and eventually they will choose another, more "solid" major, but before leaving liberal arts behind, know that the major has its many pros and perks.

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By Rachel Hall

If you have kids or are planning to have kids, it's likely that generations above you or even your peers have mentioned the looming "college fund" that we are supposed to have for our children, both born and unborn. And yes, if you come from a family with immense wealth, then perhaps your unborn spawn already have a fully mature, vested, pile of coins set aside for their presumed Ivy League capabilities.

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