
No one's job is easy, even when things are smooth sailing.

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Going to work every day to face an unpleasant or unjustifiably harsh boss or coworker can make even a job you love distressing. There's often no clear or simple way out of a situation like this, but with some helpful tips, you'll be able to face the problem with confidence and move steadily toward a solution. Learn how to handle a tough boss or coworker and begin to like your job again.
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While many teens and young adults are doing the usual thing - be it going to school or embarking on internships and first jobs - there are some young people out there with an entrepreneurial spirit that just can't wait to flourish.

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Is your boss a big pain in the "you know what?" Are they always on your case, breathing down your neck, questioning your every decision, and giving you a hard time, even though you believe you are doing a good job?
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