bad boss

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Going to work every day to face an unpleasant or unjustifiably harsh boss or coworker can make even a job you love distressing. There's often no clear or simple way out of a situation like this, but with some helpful tips you'll be able to face the problem with confidence and move steadily toward a solution. Learn how to handle a tough boss or coworker and begin to like your job again.

Dealing with a Difficult Boss

Can you put yourself in his shoes?

The first step towards a solution is to examine your boss's perspective. Put yourself in their position and see if you can feel the reasons they behave the way they do. It's extremely difficult to do this if you feel like the victim of unfair treatment, but it might help you find the best path toward fixing the problem.

If your boss stresses you out daily about each small task, confronting them about the habit probably won't stop their micromanaging. The best defense against this behavior might simply be to accomplish the tasks you know they'll expect you to do before they ask. Consistent self-management is a good way to demonstrate that you don't need constant supervision from others.

Every solution begins with communication. This doesn't mean directly addressing the problem every time you talk to your boss. Instead, it means nurturing the relationship between worker and manager and hoping that this naturally calms the tension and more closely aligns the goals and expectations of both parties.

If there's simply no way forward and your life at work and at home is suffering because of the stress, it might be necessary to try to transfer to a different team, department, branch or—if the situation is irreparable—company.

Handling a Difficult Coworker

They're hard to

Workplace relationships between coworkers are even more important than those with bosses. Unfortunately, not every situation is ideal. You might have trouble focusing on your work when you're surrounded by talkative, distracting partners. Or, you might feel like you can't break through with a coworker to form a real friendship.

Dealing with negative effects on your work is difficult and delicate. Like handling a tough boss, addressing problems with a coworker starts with consideration and communication. Standing in their shoes, can you see a reason for their actions? Is there anything you can do to help them that would stem the cause of the problems? Is the situation mild enough that meeting about it and discussing your feelings with the other person would help?

If a coworker's negativity is bringing you down, it's probably best to spend time in another circle of employees or another area of the building. If an employee is overly competitive and uses rudeness or insults to hamper your work, it's important to keep the focus of meetings and presentations on the success of the company and away from personal success. Their selfishness will stand out unattractively next to your teamwork.

A serious problem at work is a colleague who bullies. This is an issue that requires courage and patience to address. Always stand up for yourself but don't fall for bait or lose your temper: calmness and firmness on your part will win this confrontation. However, there are many, many battles in the long war against bullies and constantly spending energy on it will take away from your work. At this point, it's best to take the problem calmly to a superior. HR departments and administrators are trained to deal with this type of problem, so don't be afraid to ask for their help. After all, your happiness at work will only benefit the team and the whole company.

Working in a healthy environment sometimes means having difficult conversations about difficult relationships with bosses and coworkers. These moments are important because you worked hard to earn the position you have and you don't deserve to have it ruined by rude or inconsiderate people. Plus, mending these relationships could make the job even better in the future. Have confidence, use your patience, and act firmly to make your workplace a comfortable, productive space that you'll enjoy going to every day.

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Bosses are like a box of chocolate, you never know which one you're gonna get. Some bosses are like a dream come true – caring, intelligent, morale-boosting, confident, and many other positive attributes we appreciate and hope for in a leader. Others, on the flip side, can be disrespectful, arrogant, unfair, uncompassionate, and even downright mean. All the personality traits that make a boss a pain in the you-know-what.

If you have a boss you simply can't tolerate or want to prepare for the chance that you may one day be burdened with one, here are 3 ways to deal with a boss you can't stand. It's all about how you handle things to make your work life satisfactory.

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Making the move to quit your job is a major one. While you may feel more than ready to grab a cardboard box filled with the crap on your desk and flip off your pea-brained boss, a moment of reeled-in reflection and a few deep breaths before making a rash decision would be wise to say the least.

Quitting may very well be the best option for your career goals and personal needs, so knowing the signs that it is time to quit will guide you through this life-altering process. Quit with confidence so you can move on to something even better! Here, see quitting as a 1-2-3 process with these 3 signs it's time to go. Just don't let the door hit you on the behind!

Beyond Bored

Do you stare longingly at the clock as time ticks ever so slowly 'till it strikes your favorite hour – 5pm? Someone who's interested and enthralled with their work is never (or rarely) checking the clock; in fact, the day usually flies by. Boredom at work means you'd rather be somewhere else or doing something different and it's no way to live your life.

As per Business Insider, "Researchers believe prolonged feelings of boredom while at work are a warning sign that you are searching for more meaning." Passion and growth are two important happiness factors for an employee. Do you check off those boxes? Are the boxes even available?

Boredom can lead to feelings of hopelessness and lack of pride. If you're not being challenged or the work is simply mind-numbing, you are not where you belong. According to Inc., "Every job has its downsides. But every job should also have some fun moments. Or exciting moments. Or challenging moments. Or some aspect that makes you think, 'I'm looking forward to doing that.'"

If you can't find an inkling of such feelings about your job, and rather than putting your all into it, you're busy seeking out other pleasures, boredom has officially set in. It's time to seek a new job and find a way to make what you're doing more interesting in the meantime.

Horrible Boss

Not everyone has to go gaga over their boss, but if yours is a real monster, it can lead to a horribly unpleasant work environment. If your boss is condescending, rude, unfair, unjust, or just plain arrogant, you may want to leave ASAP, because he or she isn't likely going anywhere soon.

As per Inc., "A great boss knows that if her team succeeds--and each individual on that team succeeds--then she will succeed too." Bosses should never demean employees or ignore their ideas. When your boss or company shoots down or even laughs at your ideas, it's not only insulting, it's demotivating. And pretty soon you stop caring."

And not caring about what you do every day is no way to spend your valuable time. There are other options out there with bosses who appreciate their workers. If talking to your boss doesn't make a difference, it will not only affect your performance at work, but you'll begin to feel miserable all the time.

Along with day to day nuisances and personality clashes, if things are truly horrific, move away immediately. Forbes notes advice from Lynn Taylor, a national workplace expert, "If you're the victim of bullying, sexual harassment or other egregious behavior, you should certainly keep an eye out for other positions, regardless of what corrective measures you're taking."

Bad bosses don't deserve well-meaning employees. Give your efforts to someone who appreciates you and your hard work.

Stressed to the Max

A certain degree of stress at work is understandable and even motivational, but if you find yourself seriously stressed out and it's affecting you not only mentally, but physically as well, it may be time to throw in the towel and seek out a job with a better balance. As per Forbes, Sutton Fell, CEO and founder of FlexJobs says, "If you get anxious or unhappy just thinking about work, that's a good sign that it's time to move on."

Perhaps you're spending way too much time at the office with not much to show for it, losing precious time with family. A balanced work-life situation is key. "When you find that you're spending less time with your family because of work, or you cannot commit the necessary time to your job, you should consider looking elsewhere," says Fell on Forbes.

Stress isn't the same as nerves or anticipation however. A big project that requires lots of attention and revision may cause stress, but that is natural and par for the course. Stress brought on by unfair work hours, a too-large workload, low pay for demanding work, or lazy co-workers who put the pressure on you is unhealthy and unproductive.

As per Dr. Travis Bradberry on LinkedIn, "No paycheck is worth sacrificing your health. Job stress can lead to depression, insomnia, headaches, frequent illness, and worse. Don't let this happen to you."

Quitting may seem daunting or exciting depending on how down in the dumps your job has placed you. If you've weighed your options and quitting is on top, seek out new opportunities to make the most of your skills and talents. Life is too short to keep a job you simply can't stand.

Are you ready to find out if a new area of employment is better suited for you? Try the MAAP assessment test - it helps match skills, passion, and personality to the best job for you. It may just change your life!

Quitters can win after all!