What U.S. Citizens Should Expect for the Next Four Years

Donald Trump is on his way to the White House, and against the odds, he’s about to make a lot of changes that will reverse the Obama Administration. While there is uncertainty as to how Trump’s plans will be enacted or changed from his initial proposals, here’s an idea of what we should expect from this new Republican president.

First of all, Mr. Trump is bringing in a Republican House senate, which according to Benjy Sarlin of NBC News, will increase his chances of passing major legislation. Though President Obama had a lot of great ideas for change, he got a lot of pushback from Congress. The Republican party will be difficult to unify, since there have been such divisions as of late, resulting in dropped endorsements. But actually, some of these supporters-turned-unsupporters later re-endorsed Trump. Flip-flopping on issues is something to look out for. Also, many of his top issues like trade, immigration, and national security involve executive power and are not passed by Congress.

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It’s hard to say if Trump will be a delegator or a doer. One of the actions in question is whether or not he will hire the special prosecutor he said he would to investigate Hillary Clinton’s email case. Another is if he will sue the women he’s threatened to sue when they came out with allegations of sexual assault.

Trump’s first 100 days will likely involve erasing the fingerprint of the Obama Administration. Trump wants to repeal ObamaCare and Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. This program gives temporary work visas to young, not-yet-legal immigrants. Trump will also attempt to put in higher background checks for Syrian refugees. This is a far cry from his original Muslim ban idea.

The issue here will be how Trump decides to prioritize his wide list of tasks. Will he start with foreign policy, or on the homefront, boosting jobs? The America he’s coming into is not an easy America to fix, with a number of issues needing immediate attention. He also doesn’t have a lot of time to accomplish his lofty goals. 4 years may seem long to some, but for a president, we’re sure it goes by too fast.

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Donald Trump is on his way to the White House, and against the odds, he's about to make a lot of changes that will reverse the Obama Administration. While there is uncertainty as to how Trump's plans will be enacted or changed from his initial proposals, here's an idea of what we should expect from this new Republican president.

First of all, Mr. Trump is bringing in a Republican House senate, which according to Benjy Sarlin of NBC News, will increase his chances of passing major legislation. Though President Obama had a lot of great ideas for change, he got a lot of pushback from Congress. The Republican party will be difficult to unify, since there have been such divisions as of late, resulting in dropped endorsements. But actually, some of these supporters-turned-unsupporters later re-endorsed Trump. Flip-flopping on issues is something to look out for. Also, many of his top issues like trade, immigration, and national security involve executive power and are not passed by Congress.

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It's hard to say if Trump will be a delegator or a doer. One of the actions in question is whether or not he will hire the special prosecutor he said he would to investigate Hillary Clinton's email case. Another is if he will sue the women he's threatened to sue when they came out with allegations of sexual assault.

Trump's first 100 days will likely involve erasing the fingerprint of the Obama Administration. Trump wants to repeal ObamaCare and Obama's Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. This program gives temporary work visas to young, not-yet-legal immigrants. Trump will also attempt to put in higher background checks for Syrian refugees. This is a far cry from his original Muslim ban idea.

The issue here will be how Trump decides to prioritize his wide list of tasks. Will he start with foreign policy, or on the homefront, boosting jobs? The America he's coming into is not an easy America to fix, with a number of issues needing immediate attention. He also doesn't have a lot of time to accomplish his lofty goals. 4 years may seem long to some, but for a president, we're sure it goes by too fast.



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