budgeting tips

How to Do a 2024 Financial Reset

TikTok 2024 Financial Reset

via TikTok users @itserinconfortini and @lillianzhang_

I hate to admit it, but it’s getting embarrassing. It = my financial state. I’m still young, even according to Leonardo DiCaprio standards, and I’ve been using that as an excuse to prioritize fun and keep putting off saving. However, with the cost of living crisis, rising inflation rates, and my minor shopping addiction, I’m

New Year, New Budget

Saving money starts with a budget.

Alexander Grey via Unsplash

I’ve been thinking a lot about goal setting in the New Year…and not in the cliche resolution way. Not in the way that I get overzealous and aim to save $10,000 in one year, change my entire life around, and find the apartment of my dreams. Not in the way that sets me up for

How to Save Money on a Road Trip

Road trips can be a lot of fun — but they can also drain your wallet quickly if you aren’t careful. From high gas costs and park admission fares to lodging and the price of eating out every night, the expenses can add up quickly. But at the same time, it’s very possible to do

Money-Saving Tips for Larger Families

Raising a larger family than most means that your lifestyle is going to change. Costs will continue to multiply as your family grows larger. However, just because your family is large doesn’t mean your quality of life needs to suffer. It just means you need to make a few adjustments to help things work smoother

6 Easy Ways to Save Money


Everyone wants to save money, but life on a strict budget can start to feel like an exercise in misery. But living paycheck to paycheck is also exhausting, so how can you save money without making life boring? To help you with this balance, we’ve gathered the easiest tips and tricks for saving money with

How to Budget for Long and Short Term Goals

Blinq Blog

Unless you’re Mackenzie Bezos or ex-husband Jeff, chances are you budget your money. You know how much of your monthly income you want to spend on groceries, rent, and leisure, and maybe you even put a portion of each paycheck in savings. But what about budgeting for a specific goal? Is it a short-term or

The 3 Best Apps to Help You Manage Your Money

From saving for a big purchase to paying off a loan, money management apps can help you take control of your finances. However, selecting one can be more difficult than figuring out the interest, fees, or charges on your latest credit card statement. We rounded up the top three apps to help you manage money.

Santa’s Bag: The App You Need This Holiday Season

Getty Images

The holiday season can be a really stressful time, both mentally and financially. It is difficult to maintain normalcy when there’s a number of people to think about, presents to buy, and gifts to wrap… all while life carries on around you. If you’re looking for a great way to organize all the gifts you