Best Personal Finance Apps For 2025

Photo Credit: Anthony Evan for Unsplash

This article includes affiliate links. We may earn a commission if you make a purchase, with no extra cost to you.

What are your financial goals for the New Year? Personally, I’m working to pay off my debt. From my student loans to creeping credit card debt, it’s tough to wrap my head around how much I owe. 

Plus, I’m trying to save up enough dough for a highly anticipated trip to Italy this summer, a trip that will cost me a pretty penny. But as someone who’s admittedly horrible with money, I’m often unable to fulfill my travel fantasies, since I can barely afford to make the trek down the street to my neighborhood cafe. (Hey, those cappuccinos with extra foam are expensive!) 

As much as I yearn to lick hazelnut gelato while strolling the sunny streets of Venice, such dreams burst like a bubble when I check my bank account. (All I can say is ‘Yikes!’

Since financial intelligence isn’t my strong suit, I need all the help I can get. How else can I finally enjoy the Renaissance paintings in Florence, without stressing over how I’ll pay for my next plate of Spaghetti alla Puttanesca

Ah, to roam this earth without the constraints of piling debt… You smell that, folks? That’s the smell of financial freedom. Smells good, right? Well. As long as you have these life-saving finance apps to guide you it just may be within your reach. For little to no cost, you’ll gain a clearer understanding of your spending habits and discover tips for saving in 2025. 

No matter how often you struggle with overspending on frivolous purchases — you are not alone, pal — these amazing apps will stop you from popping that bejeweled selfie stick in your Amazon cart. Believe me, you can live without it. 

Ready to save-save-save, while fattening your wallet? I know I am. Follow me as I guide you through my favorite personal finance apps that are helping people worldwide to save and manage their expenses in 2025. 

Rocket Money

You know that feeling when you suddenly realize you’ve been spending hundreds on subscriptions to apps and services that you never everrr use? (No? Just me?) 

Well, as someone who’s definitely guilty of this irresponsible sort of behavior, I desperately need an app like Rocket Money to organize my subscriptions and then some. Plus, it gives you easy access to cancel all the subscriptions you no longer use. With its “Cancel This For Me” feature, you save hundreds a year. 

It’s ideal for creating monthly budgets, while giving you a clear view of your spending habits and neatly categorizing them for optimal organization. You can analyze your bills, and get a solid look at where all your money is going. 

Like NerdWallet, this app is also free. But it also offers the Rocket Money premium version for as little as $4 bucks a month. A small price to pay for such a helpful tool, if you ask me. 

Organize your subscriptions and spending once and for all with the help of Rocket Money


If you want a clear view of your monthly cash flow, credit score, and personal net worth all in one place, NerdWallet might just be your latest go-to app. This easy-to-navigate application is a life-saver for all those hoping to responsibly track their financial decisions in 2025.

Plus, it has features that promote smart spending habits, including cash rewards of up to $500 bucks a year. With exclusive tips and insights on budgeting, saving, credit card recs, and investing, you’ll feel much more confident about your overall finances.

This app is pretty cool, because it holds you responsible for your purchases while rewarding smart spending habits. Right up front and center, it gives you a financial health score from 1 to 100, pushing you to improve if your score is low. If your score is high, it motivates you to maintain, helping you stay financially responsible.   

Plus, it’s 100% free, so there’s nothing to lose here. 

It’s mobile friendly, but you can also sign via desktop if that’s preferred. Ready to save up? Nerdwallet has your back. 

You Need a Budget (YNAB)

Interested in brushing up on your financial education? Ever wonder about the psychology behind the behavioral patterns that shape your spending habits? Want to learn how to improve your financial health and live a more secure, stress-free life? If so, you, my friend, need a budget. And, this app. 

I’m a huge fan of YNAB, since it was created by an accountant with a deep understanding of spending and saving. What I really appreciate about You Need a Budget is that it doesn’t shame you for spending — as long as it’s done responsibly. If need be, simply adjust your budget, since real life often gets in the way. 

No need to stress over that pricey meal you spent on your bestie’s B-Day. YNAB encourages you to live your life to the fullest, so if you splurge every once in a blue moon — it’s not the end of the world.   

Ready to keep track of your finances? Try YNAB

Empower by Personal Capital 

Empower by Personal Capital is a top choice for fiscally responsible adults who need a reliable app to keep all their finances in check across multiple accounts. As one of the top-rated apps for personal finance, you can see everything in one place, from your investments, stocks, debt, 401k, etc. Track everything from your true net worth to your income, helping you responsibly prepare for retirement.

Here, you’ll also have immediate access to all the latest financial news and tips. Try the Empower by Personal Capital app to achieve financial freedom. 

If you’re ready to become the most fiscally responsible version of yourself for 2025, these personal finance apps are sure to do the trick. Who’s ready to save with me?

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This article includes affiliate links. We may earn a commission if you make a purchase, with no extra cost to you.

What are your financial goals for the New Year? Personally, I’m working to pay off my debt. From my student loans to creeping credit card debt, it’s tough to wrap my head around how much I owe. 

Plus, I’m trying to save up enough dough for a highly anticipated trip to Italy this summer, a trip that will cost me a pretty penny. But as someone who’s admittedly horrible with money, I’m often unable to fulfill my travel fantasies, since I can barely afford to make the trek down the street to my neighborhood cafe. (Hey, those cappuccinos with extra foam are expensive!) 

As much as I yearn to lick hazelnut gelato while strolling the sunny streets of Venice, such dreams burst like a bubble when I check my bank account. (All I can say is ‘Yikes!’

Since financial intelligence isn’t my strong suit, I need all the help I can get. How else can I finally enjoy the Renaissance paintings in Florence, without stressing over how I’ll pay for my next plate of Spaghetti alla Puttanesca

Ah, to roam this earth without the constraints of piling debt… You smell that, folks? That’s the smell of financial freedom. Smells good, right? Well. As long as you have these life-saving finance apps to guide you it just may be within your reach. For little to no cost, you'll gain a clearer understanding of your spending habits and discover tips for saving in 2025. 

No matter how often you struggle with overspending on frivolous purchases — you are not alone, pal — these amazing apps will stop you from popping that bejeweled selfie stick in your Amazon cart. Believe me, you can live without it. 

Ready to save-save-save, while fattening your wallet? I know I am. Follow me as I guide you through my favorite personal finance apps that are helping people worldwide to save and manage their expenses in 2025. 

Rocket Money

You know that feeling when you suddenly realize you’ve been spending hundreds on subscriptions to apps and services that you never everrr use? (No? Just me?) 

Well, as someone who’s definitely guilty of this irresponsible sort of behavior, I desperately need an app like Rocket Money to organize my subscriptions and then some. Plus, it gives you easy access to cancel all the subscriptions you no longer use. With its “Cancel This For Me” feature, you save hundreds a year. 

It’s ideal for creating monthly budgets, while giving you a clear view of your spending habits and neatly categorizing them for optimal organization. You can analyze your bills, and get a solid look at where all your money is going. 

Like NerdWallet, this app is also free. But it also offers the Rocket Money premium version for as little as $4 bucks a month. A small price to pay for such a helpful tool, if you ask me. 

Organize your subscriptions and spending once and for all with the help of Rocket Money


If you want a clear view of your monthly cash flow, credit score, and personal net worth all in one place, NerdWallet might just be your latest go-to app. This easy-to-navigate application is a life-saver for all those hoping to responsibly track their financial decisions in 2025.

Plus, it has features that promote smart spending habits, including cash rewards of up to $500 bucks a year. With exclusive tips and insights on budgeting, saving, credit card recs, and investing, you’ll feel much more confident about your overall finances.

This app is pretty cool, because it holds you responsible for your purchases while rewarding smart spending habits. Right up front and center, it gives you a financial health score from 1 to 100, pushing you to improve if your score is low. If your score is high, it motivates you to maintain, helping you stay financially responsible.   

Plus, it’s 100% free, so there’s nothing to lose here. 

It’s mobile friendly, but you can also sign via desktop if that’s preferred. Ready to save up? Nerdwallet has your back. 

You Need a Budget (YNAB)

Interested in brushing up on your financial education? Ever wonder about the psychology behind the behavioral patterns that shape your spending habits? Want to learn how to improve your financial health and live a more secure, stress-free life? If so, you, my friend, need a budget. And, this app. 

I’m a huge fan of YNAB, since it was created by an accountant with a deep understanding of spending and saving. What I really appreciate about You Need a Budget is that it doesn’t shame you for spending — as long as it’s done responsibly. If need be, simply adjust your budget, since real life often gets in the way. 

No need to stress over that pricey meal you spent on your bestie’s B-Day. YNAB encourages you to live your life to the fullest, so if you splurge every once in a blue moon — it’s not the end of the world.   

Ready to keep track of your finances? Try YNAB

Empower by Personal Capital

Empower by Personal Capital is a top choice for fiscally responsible adults who need a reliable app to keep all their finances in check across multiple accounts. As one of the top-rated apps for personal finance, you can see everything in one place, from your investments, stocks, debt, 401k, etc. Track everything from your true net worth to your income, helping you responsibly prepare for retirement.

Here, you’ll also have immediate access to all the latest financial news and tips. Try the Empower by Personal Capital app to achieve financial freedom. 

If you’re ready to become the most fiscally responsible version of yourself for 2025, these personal finance apps are sure to do the trick. Who’s ready to save with me?


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