10 Most Fun Jobs in the World (That Pay Well)

In a globalized, interconnected world, more career opportunities are available to you than ever before.

Outside the parameters of nine-to-five work schedules, well-paying work is available in everything from aviation and animal sciences to creative design and media arts. Depending on your interests, skill sets, and location, you could turn your passion projects into your profession. Here are 10 of the most satisfying jobs (with good pay) available today:

1.Private Island Caretaker

Fun for who: Nature-lovers who prefer sunny, tropical climates and enjoy water sports and working with your hands.

How well does it pay? Up to $100,000 a year

Requirements: Be a strong swimmer, be independent and adventurous, be highly communicative with the owner and promoters of the island.

2.Video Game Player

Fun for who? Gaming addicts and appreciators who dream of gameplay 24/7.

How well does it pay? $50,000 a year, dependent on the demand

Requirements: Be in the top 1% of skilled players; it's a competitive field!

3. Voice Actor

Fun for who? Extroverted performers with versatile voices.

How well does it pay? Up to $80,000, dependent on the experience

Requirements: Have a unique and clear voice, possess great control over your voice, be a creative improvisor

4. Ethical Hacker

Fun for who? Computer lovers who enjoy cracking codes and solving puzzles (legally).

How well does it pay? $100,000 to $140,000

Requirements: Proven computer skills, including: Certified Ethical Hacker qualification, Global Information Assurance Certificate (GIAC) Penetration tester qualification, and Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP) qualification.

5. Fortune Cookie Writer

Fun for who? Writers (or aspiring writers) who are witty with one-liners, as well as thought-provoking quotes.

How well does it pay? Up to $70,000 a year

Requirements: Be a creative and fast thinker who can produce a large amount of one-liners to fill some of the 3 billion fortune cookies produced each year.

6. Toy Designer

Fun for who? Creative inventors who are children at heart.

How well does it pay? Approximately $70,000 a year

Requirements: A degree in any field related to toy design, a passion for toys and colorful design, knowledge of what kids of various ages enjoy playing with.

7. Makeup Artist

Fun for who? Makeup lovers and visual creatives who wish to work for salons or special events, or even theaters, models, or professional actors.

How well does it pay? About $70,000

Requirements: Obtain a cosmetics license and experience.

8. Video Game Designer

Fun for who? Visual creators and computer savvy people.

How well does it pay? Around $80,000 a year, dependent on experience

Requirements: At minimum, have a degree in video game design or computer science, experience with and enthusiasm for video games.

9. Blimp Pilot

Fun for who? Aspiring pilots who want to stay local in a light-hearted job.

How well does it pay? $70,000

Requirements: Complete over 1,200 hours of flight time, obtain a Certified Flight Instructor Certificate, preferably obtain a commercial rating.

10. Disneyland Face Character

Fun for who? Disney-lovers and actors who want to inhabit children's favorite characters

How well does it pay? Around $32,000 a year

Requirements: Meet strict height and appearance specifications for certain characters, pay attention to detail in order to accurately impersonate a character, work well with children.

Depending on your situation, find out your ideal job's specifications and how realistically your skill sets and qualifications match. You can start with your field of interest, be it arts, marketing, or food. For many of these specialty jobs, all it takes is one foot in the door before more opportunities become available to you.