How to Make an Extra $1000 a Month

Depending on the stage of life you're in, an extra $1000 a month could make a huge difference for you.

Imagine having next month's rent paid without dipping into your paycheck at all. With these tips and tricks for an extra $1000 a month, that's a real possibility. With a little creativity, patience, and hard work, you too can have disposable income.

Online Surveys

While this isn't the quickest way to make extra cash, it may be the easiest. All you have to do is turn on a sitcom, settle into the couch, and spend a few hours clicking through companies surveys. While you may only make a few dollars or cents per survey, it's an easy way to accumulate some extra cash with very little work. Check out this handy guide to online survey sites.

Sell Extra Stuff Online

With sites like Poshmark, Mercari, and ThredUp, it's never been easier to sell your unwanted clothes and other items online for cash. Name brand clothes sell especially well, as do lightly used electronics.

Install Phone Apps

While this might feel a little Black Mirror-ish, some apps will pay you to install them to run in the background and track your daily habits for research. Creepy? Yes. Easy? Yes. Some apps that do this are Nielsen Digital Voice App, Smart Panel, and Media Insider Panel.

Transcribe Audio Online

This option requires a little bit of skill, but is a very lucrative option as you can make around 24$/hr this way. All you have to do transcribe audio into text.

Sell Your Advice

If you're great at your PR job, why not sell your advice and make some cash on the side? Most specialized professions are very marketable online, and people are always looking for freelance specialists to help them out. Some sites you can use to do this are, Kgb, SmallbizAdvice, Chegg (Formally StudentOfFortune), JustAnswer, and PollBuzzer.

Rent Out What You Have

Do you have an extra bedroom in your apartment? Rent it out on air bnb. Do you have a wide array of tools? Rent them out. Some other things you can rent out are lawn mowers, camping gear, snow blowers, and even cars and boats.