
Oh, how far we’ve come! Recently, it was revealed that — finally! — women CEOs at Fortune 500 companies outnumber male CEOs named John. A dubious milestone, but it's something to celebrate.

Though women have come pretty far in society, the progress we've made is far from enough. From the pay gap to daily microaggressions, it’s still obvious that women are treated as lesser than in society. This is especially clear when you look at how few female-founded businesses there are.

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We live in a world where most celebrities have multiple business endeavors going besides what made them famous. Well known socialites are no longer just party-goers in ballgowns, but have now taken on the term “influencer” and drape themselves in brand deals before being photographed.

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Women face multiple disadvantages in the workforce. Economic and societal restrictions keep women from reaching the higher rungs of the business world. While that is changing it's hard to navigate the road, but there are lots of great resources for women in business to take advantage of and learn from. Here is a collection of books, videos, and articles for those looking for knowledge on how to get ahead. No matter how much time you have to spare, there's something here for you!

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In recent times there has been a push for body acceptance, and makeup has been a big part of the discussion. Some women love wearing makeup, and others don't. So while you should always be making the best decisions for yourself, there is something else going on here. How is your makeup being perceived in the workplace? Is it helping you get ahead, or is it holding you back?

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