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Photo: Yerlin Matu

Dogs, cats, hamsters, fish, parakeets, horses—the world loves pets.

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Howard Community College
Due to the staggering rate at which college tuition prices have increased over the last 30 to 40 years, going to a traditional four-year university isn't in the cards for everyone. There's a significant amount of social pressure to attend college, but if a high school senior doesn't know exactly what they want to study–and by extension do for the rest of their life– it can be hard to justify taking out a six-figure loan. And even when you do know what you want to do, it often may not feel worth it. The era of finding oneself while away at college is over; most people don't have that luxury anymore.
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Getty Images
The holiday season can be a really stressful time, both mentally and financially. It is difficult to maintain normalcy when there's a number of people to think about, presents to buy, and gifts to wrap... all while life carries on around you. If you're looking for a great way to organize all the gifts you need to buy and keep track of how much you want to spend then check out Santa's Bag.
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