
Asking a co-worker how much she makes is a little like asking an acquaintance how much she weighs: invasive, rude, borderline inappropriate.

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Doctor, lawyers, celebs, and CEOs. When we hear these job titles, we know there's money in them… piles of it in many cases. But not all of us are cut out to be the next Mark Zuckerberg or Nicki Minaj. Does this mean that high-paying careers are not in our futures? Not so. While most of us will never make Dr. Phil-level cash, there are plenty of careers that pay surprisingly well.

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You have been at your current place of employment for some time and you know you are doing a great job. Even your manager/boss has acknowledged it. Seems like the perfect time to ask for a raise in salary. But sometimes, "Ask and you shall receive" doesn't go quite so smoothly.

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If you'd tell most people that accepting a salary that's less than what they'd hoped for would be beneficial, they would probably look at you in disbelief. Most of us work, in part, to get paid, and the bigger the paycheck, the better.

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