
Getty Images/Maria Stavreva

Whether you're leaving a job involuntarily, departing for something new, or just want to prepare for the unknown, it is smart to understand all your options regarding your 401k.

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Photo by Val Vesa on Unsplash

Ever since millennials entered the workforce, we've been redefining career goals.

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Are you a full-time employee who has been starting to feel like living the part-time work life? The change is not something to do on a whim or take lightly, but if you are considering this career move, here are four questions to ask yourself to be sure this switch is smart and the right one for you.

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By Rachel Hall

If you have kids or are planning to have kids, it's likely that generations above you or even your peers have mentioned the looming "college fund" that we are supposed to have for our children, both born and unborn. And yes, if you come from a family with immense wealth, then perhaps your unborn spawn already have a fully mature, vested, pile of coins set aside for their presumed Ivy League capabilities.

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