
What to Do with Your 401k After You Leave a Job

Getty Images/Maria Stavreva

Whether you’re leaving a job involuntarily, departing for something new, or just want to prepare for the unknown, it is smart to understand all your options regarding your 401k. Leave It Where It Is 401k plans differ based on the employer, but most will give you the option to leave your 401k where it is

Should You Switch to Part-Time?

Are you a full-time employee who has been starting to feel like living the part-time work life? The change is not something to do on a whim or take lightly, but if you are considering this career move, here are four questions to ask yourself to be sure this switch is smart and the right

Why My Kids Won’t Have a College Fund

By Rachel Hall If you have kids or are planning to have kids, it’s likely that generations above you or even your peers have mentioned the looming “college fund” that we are supposed to have for our children, both born and unborn. And yes, if you come from a family with immense wealth, then perhaps

When Do You Start Figuring Out Retirement?

You just started a job or graduated college. Retirement can seem like very long way from where you are in life. But life can move fast and thinking ahead puts you in the drivers seat. Ask yourself three questions: Where do you want to be in 40 years? What type of lifestyle do you want?

5 Smart Ways to Spend Your Tax Refund

For many of us, spring flowers also bring that long-awaited tax refund shower. While taxes may seem like just another necessary (and boring) civic duty, they can really make a difference in helping you reach your financial goals. Like a generous birthday check, tax refunds are a small financial windfall. When we leverage them to

Best and Worst States to Retire – An Analysis by WalletHub

There are some people who plan to work hard ’till their old and grey. But for the majority, we’re putting in all we’ve got now so we can enjoy our golden years with blissfully well-deserved rest and relaxation. Retirement is on the radar for almost everyone, whether that day will come in decades from now