
Every working person is looking for new ways to improve productivity and organization. There's always a new app, a new planner, or a new website to try. But there is an analog system that actually works much more effectively than any of these options. It's called a bullet journal.

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Google is the world's number one search engine. Over the past 20 years, the engine has only gotten bigger and better. Want to find something? Google it. But the website offers many more features to users than a simple web search. Yes, there's Gmail, Google Docs and the like. However, there are plenty of Google search features that you can use without having to sign up for an account. Here's just a few of the most useful:
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You've likely heard about CBD. With more states moving to legalize marijuana, we're also becoming more aware of CBD and its benefits. But what is CBD, and can it take your work performance to new heights?

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Ian Barbour/Flickr

I'll admit it. I am a master procrastinator. I have a huge tendency to put things off. It can definitely be an issue. Plenty of people suffer with me. But even if you aren't a procrastinator, it can be difficult to focus in today's modern working environment. With email, texting, messaging apps, meetings, and phone calls, it can be difficult to find the time and space to get things done. This is exactly what the Pomodoro Technique was built to counteract.

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