
Networking 101: Useful Ways To Network

To get ahead in your career, it helps to have connections that can lead to bigger and better things. From schmoozing and scheduling to socializing and speaking, networking is a nice way to grow both personally and professionally. It can take some practice to get your networking skills down but as you continue to meet

Five Ways to Network Effectively

Meeting the right people and making the most of those interactions is what effective networking is all about. Over the course of your career, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to network, be it one-on-one or at conventions, trade shows, and the like. But there is more to networking than showing up and exchanging handshakes and

How Shapr is changing the way we network


Sometimes it feels like it’s impossible to meet new people and make real connections. Everyone is busy with the hustle and bustle of everyday life and where are you supposed to meet people anyway? In college, you could meet in classes and connect through mutual interests or assignments. But once you’ve entered into the workplace,

7 Essential Steps for Your Next Networking Event

Networking is the life line of any career. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a college student trying to find their next internship, networking correctly can open a lot of doors for you. Here are seven tips to use for your next networking opportunity. 1. Smile and like you mean it Not the “Why do

How to Make Money While on Vacation

Many of us were fortunate enough to have the unforgettable experience studying abroad in college. It was ideal: you had a few hours of class a week, then spent the rest of your time sightseeing and soaking up the culture of another country all for roughly the same cost of your tuition (minus the fli…

How to Make Money While on Vacation

Many of us were fortunate enough to have the unforgettable experience studying abroad in college. It was ideal: you had a few hours of class a week, then spent the rest of your time sightseeing and soaking up the culture of another country all for roughly the same cost of your tuition (minus the flights

3 Steps to Navigating the Path to Your Dream Job

Planning for the future often includes a career to be excited about. With the day to day grind many people learn to live with, dreams for a more fulfilling job often remain just that – dreams. Fear, doubt, financial worries, and other commitments make following that dream more of a nightmare. But it’s really not

Everybody Gets Fired

It’s that unscheduled meeting with your manager and ends in a few moments of pained silence. After that, you’re out of there. Maybe you knew it was coming all along, maybe you thought it was weird that you hadn’t had a project in weeks. Or maybe not. Most people (and for very good reasons) identify