3 Steps to Navigating the Path to Your Dream Job

Planning for the future often includes a career to be excited about. With the day to day grind many people learn to live with, dreams for a more fulfilling job often remain just that – dreams.

Fear, doubt, financial worries, and other commitments make following that dream more of a nightmare. But it’s really not that scary. With the right tools to navigate the path to a job that you’ve only dreamed of, a bright tomorrow awaits just like the one that follows even the worst nightmare.

Three steps to a job that is right up your alley can be yours if you really want it. It’s time to wake up and make your dream job a reality.

Start Now

If you have a dream job, it’s time to take your life by the reins and make it come true as soon as you can. That means making the move starting now. Yes, now. Not after you’ve put in another year at your current company. Not after you’ve landed your Master’s. Not next Monday. The longer you prolong the kickoff to the new you, the more reasons you’ll come up with that you’re not quite ready.

But starting now doesn’t mean “poof,” you’ll have a new job. Starting now means putting forth a genuine effort to make it eventually happen. This can mean updating your resume, giving yourself a timeline, creating a blog or website, or even getting a new wardrobe that better suits (no pun intended) your new endeavor.

Take courses or seminars that will improve your education and offer to intern or be mentored in the field. Learn all you can about this job and create a path to direct you there. Even if you only have an hour a day to put towards this goal, it’s better than doing nothing at all. It may take time, but the sooner you get going, the sooner you’ll get there.

As per Monster, “Don’t be deterred by a lack of experience. Twenty- and thirty-somethings have more flexibility when it comes to test-driving different careers. The process of self-discovery is much easier when you’re unencumbered by family responsibilities and substantial financial burdens, and when you haven’t yet reached a level in a career where it’s tougher to turn back. That said, it’s never too late to pursue your passion.”

Have a Clear Objective

In order to land your dream job, you need to know what it is. If you aren’t able to pinpoint your goal, you may not ever be able to score. For instance, if you’re currently working in finance but dream to do something more creative, that’s a good start, but there are many jobs that require creative skills – a baker, a jazz musician, a digital artist, even a dog groomer. Where do you fit in?

According to Fortune, “Before you network, and certainly before you step into an interview, know your goals and what you’re dreaming to do. That sounds like a no-brainer, but our experts say the No. 1 mistake job seekers make is not being able to articulate what kind of job they want.”

Asses your talents and interests carefully and honestly. If your dream job is to become a marriage counselor, are you willing and able to put in the years of work required? Do you have a well-suited personality and proper schooling necessary for this career? As per The Muse, “Once you figure out what you want, it’s time to string that together with your skills and past experience in a way that makes sense for your next position. Knowing your story well enough to tell it forward and backward won’t just help you in the interview, it’ll help you with your application materials and networking efforts.”

Monster adds, “Take time to do a self-assessment of your values, how you like to work and what you’d be compelled to do even if you never got paid. Research careers and industries that map to your skills and interests.”

Once you’ve honed in on a career that fits your requirements, you’ll be better able to take the appropriate steps to make it there. A clear objective will yield a clear mind – one that will be able to focus on the prize – your dream job.


As per Business News Daily, “Realizing what you want is a major step, but you should keep the momentum going by reaching out to the right people who can help you, said Courtney Kirschbaum, a career and life coach and founder of online training company Original Experience.”

People who are excited about their jobs are eager to share their passion and knowledge with like-minded and enthusiastic people. Talk to as many people you can in the field. There is so much to learn and every person has something unique to bring to the table. And get out there and actually meet people – in person – whenever possible. Robert Walters Career Advice advises, “As much as social media and the ease of email make it tempting to network from home in your sweats, nothing replaces the connection of a good old fashioned face-to-face. Find out about industry events, Meetups and social opportunities to mingle with those who already run in the professional crowds you’re trying to break into.”

While you may not be quite ready to get to work yet, these connections will be of great value once you’re prepared to apply for jobs in the field. Always stay in contact with the people who’ve impressed you the most and be willing to go the extra mile to show them you’re a hard and dedicated worker. Stand out and you’ll be memorable and taken seriously. Those who’ve already realized their dream can be your stepping stone to reaching yours.

Work can be purposeful and exhilarating. It’s time to make your dreams come true.

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Planning for the future often includes a career to be excited about. With the day to day grind many people learn to live with, dreams for a more fulfilling job often remain just that – dreams.

Fear, doubt, financial worries, and other commitments make following that dream more of a nightmare. But it's really not that scary. With the right tools to navigate the path to a job that you've only dreamed of, a bright tomorrow awaits just like the one that follows even the worst nightmare.

Three steps to a job that is right up your alley can be yours if you really want it. It's time to wake up and make your dream job a reality.

Start Now

If you have a dream job, it's time to take your life by the reins and make it come true as soon as you can. That means making the move starting now. Yes, now. Not after you've put in another year at your current company. Not after you've landed your Master's. Not next Monday. The longer you prolong the kickoff to the new you, the more reasons you'll come up with that you're not quite ready.

But starting now doesn't mean "poof," you'll have a new job. Starting now means putting forth a genuine effort to make it eventually happen. This can mean updating your resume, giving yourself a timeline, creating a blog or website, or even getting a new wardrobe that better suits (no pun intended) your new endeavor.

Take courses or seminars that will improve your education and offer to intern or be mentored in the field. Learn all you can about this job and create a path to direct you there. Even if you only have an hour a day to put towards this goal, it's better than doing nothing at all. It may take time, but the sooner you get going, the sooner you'll get there.

As per Monster, "Don't be deterred by a lack of experience. Twenty- and thirty-somethings have more flexibility when it comes to test-driving different careers. The process of self-discovery is much easier when you're unencumbered by family responsibilities and substantial financial burdens, and when you haven't yet reached a level in a career where it's tougher to turn back. That said, it's never too late to pursue your passion."

Have a Clear Objective

In order to land your dream job, you need to know what it is. If you aren't able to pinpoint your goal, you may not ever be able to score. For instance, if you're currently working in finance but dream to do something more creative, that's a good start, but there are many jobs that require creative skills – a baker, a jazz musician, a digital artist, even a dog groomer. Where do you fit in?

According to Fortune, "Before you network, and certainly before you step into an interview, know your goals and what you're dreaming to do. That sounds like a no-brainer, but our experts say the No. 1 mistake job seekers make is not being able to articulate what kind of job they want."

Asses your talents and interests carefully and honestly. If your dream job is to become a marriage counselor, are you willing and able to put in the years of work required? Do you have a well-suited personality and proper schooling necessary for this career? As per The Muse, "Once you figure out what you want, it's time to string that together with your skills and past experience in a way that makes sense for your next position. Knowing your story well enough to tell it forward and backward won't just help you in the interview, it'll help you with your application materials and networking efforts."

Monster adds, "Take time to do a self-assessment of your values, how you like to work and what you'd be compelled to do even if you never got paid. Research careers and industries that map to your skills and interests."

Once you've honed in on a career that fits your requirements, you'll be better able to take the appropriate steps to make it there. A clear objective will yield a clear mind - one that will be able to focus on the prize – your dream job.


As per Business News Daily, "Realizing what you want is a major step, but you should keep the momentum going by reaching out to the right people who can help you, said Courtney Kirschbaum, a career and life coach and founder of online training company Original Experience."

People who are excited about their jobs are eager to share their passion and knowledge with like-minded and enthusiastic people. Talk to as many people you can in the field. There is so much to learn and every person has something unique to bring to the table. And get out there and actually meet people – in person – whenever possible. Robert Walters Career Advice advises, "As much as social media and the ease of email make it tempting to network from home in your sweats, nothing replaces the connection of a good old fashioned face-to-face. Find out about industry events, Meetups and social opportunities to mingle with those who already run in the professional crowds you're trying to break into."

While you may not be quite ready to get to work yet, these connections will be of great value once you're prepared to apply for jobs in the field. Always stay in contact with the people who've impressed you the most and be willing to go the extra mile to show them you're a hard and dedicated worker. Stand out and you'll be memorable and taken seriously. Those who've already realized their dream can be your stepping stone to reaching yours.

Work can be purposeful and exhilarating. It's time to make your dreams come true.


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