financial advice

If you're a self-employed worker, you know how high your taxes can be without a W-2 form. Look to take these deductions and reduce your tax burden.

The workers who forgo the yoke of traditional employment to strike it out on their own form a vibrant sector of the American economy. From ambitious entrepreneurs to cunning freelancers and everyone in between, self-employed workers say "no" to a punch-the-clock world and enjoy a great deal of freedom in their work.

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Ever woken up with last night's makeup still on, an uneaten slice of pizza on the bedside table, a jackhammer in your head, and an account balance that only adds to your already rising nausea? Ever spend way too much on take-out because you're just too exhausted from your job—that doesn't pay you nearly enough for your long hours—to cook? Or maybe, tired of the unhealthy work/life balance your company offers instead of benefits, you spontaneously booked a plane ticket to some Instagram worthy island, and decided you'd figure out the money part later, after all, everyone on Instagram seems to be on vacation. We get it, and we don't blame you.
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Boomer Financial Advice to Ditch

It's easy to dish out what you might think is great financial advice if you're from the boomer generation — the most recent generation to accumulate copious amounts of wealth compared to others.

But does the financial advice of this aging generation still hold up today?

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Don't let the expenses associated with divorce spiral out of control. Consider these cost-saving measures to make divorce easier and less expensive.

Divorce is an emotionally difficult process. It can prove costly for both parties. With forthcoming expenses such as alimony, child support, and relocation costs looming over you, the last thing you want to do is spend a great deal on the divorce process itself. Consider these ways to keep divorce costs down and ease some of the burdens of this life change.
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