Why a Tough Boss Can Be a Good Thing

Is your boss a big pain in the "you know what?" Are they always on your case, breathing down your neck, questioning your every decision, and giving you a hard time, even though you believe you are doing a good job?

Before you let your frustration and anger get the best of you, there may just be a bright side to your boss' bossy ways. A "pushy" boss can be the best kind. Once you realize that their behavior towards you isn't personal, you'll find that they are on your side, looking out for what's best for the business, and truly doing their job well. "Tough as nails" may be painful at first, but once you learn the positives, you'll come to realize that having a tough boss is an asset. Here's why…

They Will Have You Aiming Higher


You can get comfortable being a satisfactory employee or reach for new heights in your career. Sometimes we can use the motivation from someone else to help us take steps towards improvement and achievement. A tough boss will never settle for mediocre. And you should not either. Take your tough boss' advice to heart and see criticism as a push towards perfection instead. As per Fortune, "The more difficult, and the more challenging—the better."

As ProAssisting notes, "Working for a tough boss teaches you to be at the top of your own game. If you're not, don't worry, they'll surely let you know. By consistently working at a high level for a demanding boss, you'll be stretching and able to perform at that level for longer and longer periods of time."

Consider the notion that your boss believes in your strengths and knows you have more to offer. See this as a compliment and use their encouragement to break barriers.

They Will Be Genuine About Your Performance


A tough boss will not sugarcoat their communication with you. If you are not up to snuff, you will be sure to hear about it. On the flip side, when your boss sees that you have done a great job, they will be honest and give you the credit you deserve. If you can impress this type of boss, you know you are valued and talented at what you are doing. A tough boss will not let mistakes and lazy behavior slide, so know that they are genuine when it comes to your performance review.

"When a tough boss gives you positive feedback on a job well done, it's like gold and you'll feel like a million bucks," notes ProAssisting."

You Will Grow a Thicker Skin


With a tough boss, you will have to toughen up yourself. Being overly-sensitive will make you lose sight of their agenda and can derail you from using their advice to become a better employee. As per wikiHow, "By learning to look at the bigger picture, having a positive attitude and building confidence, you can stand strong. It is important to learn to take constructive criticism as an opportunity to improve."

When you can separate yourself from what is being advised or criticized, you can make steps towards improvement. This can help you in all areas of your life. It's OK to have feelings, but a strong presence and unwavering sense of power will always benefit you, be it at work or in your personal life.

Hey, it is not so tough having a tough boss after all!

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