5 Ways Motivated People Start Each Day

Some people are naturally “up-an-at-’em” types, while others need a little push to reveal the version of their best self. One thing’s for sure, if you don’t start the day on the right foot, the rest of it may never fall into step.

A high level of morning motivation is one of the keys to being an overall successful person, no matter the field they’re in. Are you seeking a little more rev in your motor once that alarm clock sounds? If so, you’re already motivated! But a few extra mindful steps each morning can take your desire to succeed to new heights. Follow these easy-to-do yet impactful actions to make the most of your morning and the 24 hours to follow.

Be an Early Bird

The saying that the early bird catches the worm makes sense. The last bird to rise from the nest won’t find anything left to eat. Same goes for people. While most aren’t seeking to delight in a juicy earthworm, sleeping in is not the way to grab life by the horns. Rising early ensures getting the most out of the day and doing so before others have a chance to steal your thunder (or your worm for that matter).

As per Forbes, Richard Branson has been quoted as saying that, “he gets up at 5 am every day, no matter where he is because it gives him a head start on the rest of the world.”

Aside from getting that running start, the wee hours provide for “me” time that gets quickly swamped as the hours pass. As Inc.puts it, “Successful people know that time is a precious commodity. And while theirs is easily eaten up by phone calls, meetings, and sudden crises once they’ve gotten to the office, the morning hours are under their control.”

Just be sure to hit the sack at a reasonable time so you wake refreshed and rearing to start the next day off on a positive note.

Grab the Latest Headlines

Motivation to learn about the world around us is just as important as zeroing in on our field of work. Skim the paper or flip on the morning news at the top of the day to find out what’s going on so you can be on top of the latest trends and breaking stories. By doing this early, you won’t be tempted to surf the web mid-day to read up on news bites and you’ll have the knowledge to keep up with relevant conversations with co-workers and clients.

According to Inc., the most successful people read the latest headlines before breakfast. Makes sense, as these highly motivated people need to be well-rounded and well-versed in a range of topics. With the information you gather, you can apply what may be useful to your line of work. With this kind of motivation, it may just be you making headlines soon!

Give Yourself a Moment to Breathe

Motivation without a little meditation can lead to a rushed and possibly stressful day. As eager as you may be to get your day in gear, take a while to breathe deeply, clear your mind, and prepare yourself both mentally and physically for the day ahead. Wake up a bit earlier so you have time to reflect and strategize for the most successful day possible.

You can sit peacefully, watch a meditation video, put on soothing music, or sit outside as the sun rises. It doesn’t matter how you find your “Zen,” just give yourself the room to do so. With a clear and conscious mind, you can better tackle the day with energy and intelligence. You will be able to motivate those around you as well thanks to your clarity and mental sharpness.

You may want to take this time to practice your spirituality, religion, or gratitude as well. Motivation comes from within, so find it deep in your soul and allow it to pave your path to achievement.

Eat Something Energizing

Motivation may come from the mind, but without the proper fuel, it may never make it very far. Start your day off with something nourishing and balanced, whether you sit down to the table or take some food on the go.

Try to get some protein to keep you feeling full from eggs, peanut butter, yogurt, or even a smoothie or shake. No matter what you eat, make sure you go for something healthy. Greasy breakfast sandwiches or a powdered donut from the conference room may sound tasty, but they will drag you down, no matter what kind of motivation you thought you may have had.

As per Time, Amazon founder, Jeff Bezos has said that he avoids morning meetings so he can have a leisurely breakfast with his wife and four children. Spending quality time with loved ones is a motivator in itself.

Get Moving

Pump up your body and mind with exercise first thing. You’ll get your blood flowing, heart beating, and you won’t have to stress over whether or not you’ll be able to squeeze in that workout sometime later in the day.

As per Time, Bill Gates exercises first thing in the morning while watching instructional videos from the Teaching Company. Body and mind are taken care of in one shot! And at the top of what’s sure to be a motivation-filled day to come.

And time management expert, Laura Vanderkam was quoted by Inc. as asserting, “A pre-breakfast workout helps reduce stress later in the day, counteracts the effects of high-fat diet, and improves sleep.” All important factors in keeping the motivation momentum moving.

Are you motivated to try these tips tomorrow? See how they make a difference in the outcome of your entire day!

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Some people are naturally "up-an-at-'em" types, while others need a little push to reveal the version of their best self. One thing's for sure, if you don't start the day on the right foot, the rest of it may never fall into step.

A high level of morning motivation is one of the keys to being an overall successful person, no matter the field they're in. Are you seeking a little more rev in your motor once that alarm clock sounds? If so, you're already motivated! But a few extra mindful steps each morning can take your desire to succeed to new heights. Follow these easy-to-do yet impactful actions to make the most of your morning and the 24 hours to follow.

Be an Early Bird

The saying that the early bird catches the worm makes sense. The last bird to rise from the nest won't find anything left to eat. Same goes for people. While most aren't seeking to delight in a juicy earthworm, sleeping in is not the way to grab life by the horns. Rising early ensures getting the most out of the day and doing so before others have a chance to steal your thunder (or your worm for that matter).

As per Forbes, Richard Branson has been quoted as saying that, "he gets up at 5 am every day, no matter where he is because it gives him a head start on the rest of the world."

Aside from getting that running start, the wee hours provide for "me" time that gets quickly swamped as the hours pass. As Inc.puts it, "Successful people know that time is a precious commodity. And while theirs is easily eaten up by phone calls, meetings, and sudden crises once they've gotten to the office, the morning hours are under their control."

Just be sure to hit the sack at a reasonable time so you wake refreshed and rearing to start the next day off on a positive note.

Grab the Latest Headlines

Motivation to learn about the world around us is just as important as zeroing in on our field of work. Skim the paper or flip on the morning news at the top of the day to find out what's going on so you can be on top of the latest trends and breaking stories. By doing this early, you won't be tempted to surf the web mid-day to read up on news bites and you'll have the knowledge to keep up with relevant conversations with co-workers and clients.

According to Inc., the most successful people read the latest headlines before breakfast. Makes sense, as these highly motivated people need to be well-rounded and well-versed in a range of topics. With the information you gather, you can apply what may be useful to your line of work. With this kind of motivation, it may just be you making headlines soon!

Give Yourself a Moment to Breathe

Motivation without a little meditation can lead to a rushed and possibly stressful day. As eager as you may be to get your day in gear, take a while to breathe deeply, clear your mind, and prepare yourself both mentally and physically for the day ahead. Wake up a bit earlier so you have time to reflect and strategize for the most successful day possible.

You can sit peacefully, watch a meditation video, put on soothing music, or sit outside as the sun rises. It doesn't matter how you find your "Zen," just give yourself the room to do so. With a clear and conscious mind, you can better tackle the day with energy and intelligence. You will be able to motivate those around you as well thanks to your clarity and mental sharpness.

You may want to take this time to practice your spirituality, religion, or gratitude as well. Motivation comes from within, so find it deep in your soul and allow it to pave your path to achievement.

Eat Something Energizing

Motivation may come from the mind, but without the proper fuel, it may never make it very far. Start your day off with something nourishing and balanced, whether you sit down to the table or take some food on the go.

Try to get some protein to keep you feeling full from eggs, peanut butter, yogurt, or even a smoothie or shake. No matter what you eat, make sure you go for something healthy. Greasy breakfast sandwiches or a powdered donut from the conference room may sound tasty, but they will drag you down, no matter what kind of motivation you thought you may have had.

As per Time, Amazon founder, Jeff Bezos has said that he avoids morning meetings so he can have a leisurely breakfast with his wife and four children. Spending quality time with loved ones is a motivator in itself.

Get Moving

Pump up your body and mind with exercise first thing. You'll get your blood flowing, heart beating, and you won't have to stress over whether or not you'll be able to squeeze in that workout sometime later in the day.

As per Time, Bill Gates exercises first thing in the morning while watching instructional videos from the Teaching Company. Body and mind are taken care of in one shot! And at the top of what's sure to be a motivation-filled day to come.

And time management expert, Laura Vanderkam was quoted by Inc. as asserting, "A pre-breakfast workout helps reduce stress later in the day, counteracts the effects of high-fat diet, and improves sleep." All important factors in keeping the motivation momentum moving.

Are you motivated to try these tips tomorrow? See how they make a difference in the outcome of your entire day!


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