
In the words of Ferris Bueller: “Life comes at ya fast.” I learned this when, after graduating college, I suddenly had to get my life together and financially support myself. The horror.

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A few years ago I was at Coachella, buying overpriced, under-seasoned food from a vendor who was particularly kind. Par for the course, all of these events are dominated by Square payments that provide the oh-so-convenient option to tip your gracious server. Oftentimes, the transaction is so quick, you’re wondering if you should even tip at all.

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Grocery shopping eating at your budget?

Everyone knows they should probably be saving more money. And while it might seem savvy to skip the occasional impulse buy, don't be too quick to pat yourself on the back when you refrain from buying yet another pair of ripped blue jeans. In times like these — when the recession is here and a carton of eggs feels like an investment purchase — we have to step it up a bit more to actually pad our savings accounts.

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15 Percent Pledge Pop-Up Shop

via 15 Percent Pledge Pop-Up Shop
When someone describes an experience as “a movie,” they mean it was euphoric and cinematic…the stuff of dreams. We all want summer to be a movie, our nights out with friends, our weekends in the city. And thanks to the 15 Percent Pledge Pop-Up in LA, I can safely say that mine was.
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