More All-Natural Mind-Boosting Foods D-F

You may have recently seen PayPath's The A, B, Cs to All-Natural Mind-Boosting Foods. Avocados, blueberries, and celery are not only super-healthy, but they contain properties that keep our minds going strong all day for a workday that is as productive and successful as it can be.

Mindless munching on candy and other junk may make you think you're energizing yourself, but the inevitable crash, not to mention the unwanted pounds you'll pack on only proves that going healthy is the best way to fuel for focus.

These next 3 foods - D, E, and F – will give you more noshing options when you need to stay sharp and steady all day. All-natural is all you need for stamina that sticks.

Dark Chocolate

Now we're talking! Grab a small portion of real dark chocolate with a high percentage of cacao (cocoa). As per Healthy Eater, the more cacao in the chocolate signifies that there are more flavanols present. Flavanols have been found to "improve cognitive function."

Healthy Eater recommends Pascha Chocolate, which is organic and non-GMO. Cacao percentage runs from 55% - 85%.

If you are seeking to satisfy your sweet tooth and boost your brainpower, there's nothing like a piece of dark chocolate to hit the spot!


When you need to get crackin' at work, go for an egg or two for breakfast or lunch. According tomindbodygreen, eggs are "rich in choline, the precursor chemical for acetylcholine, one of the most fundamental neurotransmitters." Additionally, the cholesterol in eggs is important for brain cell membranes and works as a protective antioxidant.

Some people have worried that eggs are no good for their health, but as per the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, "Eating one egg a day was not associated with an increase in heart risks."

So go on and enjoy that toasty egg sandwich for breakfast, a hard-boiled egg as a mid-day snack, or an omelet with veggies for lunch. You'll stay on top of your work all day long and get a healthy dose of protein too.


Oily fish like salmon, sardines, herring, mackerel, and trout are brain-boosters (and they're tasty too!). As per goodfood, "The most effective omega-3 fats occur naturally in oily fish in the form of EPA and DHA. These fats are important for healthy brain function, and sufficient levels of both EPA and DHA is thought to help us manage stress." And who's not stressed out at work at least some of the time?

Order poached or grilled salmon for lunch out with co-workers or toss a few sardines into a fresh salad for an oily fish fix. Fish is heart-healthy and great for an all-natural mind-boosting meal.

Eat for natural nourishment of the body and mind. Stay tuned for more brain-benefiting foods to come!

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