A-Z Guide to Success at Work – V, W, and X

Success is attainable when a person is willing to do what it takes to achieve it. Sitting back and hoping for a miracle is no way to reach the top. Hard work, dedication, and a belief in one's self will allow a person to realize their potential and rise to the levels of achievement they are striving for. With some tips to become a more successful individual, even a beginner can pave the path towards their goals and one day reach them.

We are using each letter of the alphabet to give success-making tools and advice to help you advance and move the needle towards your future. As we hit V, W, and X, three more useful pieces of success-building information are at your fingertips. Use your mind and time wisely, take these tips into serious consideration, and become a stronger worker. Success is up to you, so if you want it, go for it!


A person must be of value to a company for them to be needed and well-appreciated. If you don't bring anything to the table, don't expect there to be an empty seat waiting for you.

As per Business Insider, "Successful people provide value to others. When you shift your focus off of yourself and onto the people you serve, you set yourself up for financial success: Do what you love. Serve others what they love. Get money in return."

If you don't bring value to a company, you will not last long there leaving little or even no room to grow. Plus, you'll find yourself wondering what your purpose is rather that using your abilities to make a difference. Know your value and use what you've got to make a difference in a field you're passionate about.

Work Ethic

To become a success, a strong work ethic is imperative. Laziness, a ho-hum attitude, and procrastination will hinder your performance. A strong work ethic means you care about what you do and you put forth your best effort at every turn.

According to Spherion, "A job well done fosters a sense of personal satisfaction and professional fulfillment. These are the kind of workers employers are eager to hire and promote. When an important project needs to get done, these individuals can be counted on."

As per Chron, those with a good work ethic are "reliable, productive, dedicated, cooperative, and have strong character." If those five traits don't scream success, nothing will.

"X Factor"

Do you have that "something special" that makes you stand out from the pack? It could be a particular talent, a winning attitude, extreme intelligence, or charisma that puts you into a category that others just can't match.

Having the "X Factor" makes a person unique and sought-after. Their standout quality propels them to the top because they fill a void that nobody else can cover. Similar to value one can bring to a company, the "X Factor" is even stronger and more specific. It can't always be pinpointed, but people know it when they see it.

If you believe you have a special gift, share it with others in the workplace. It may be unconventional, but change is always useful in shaking things up. Be a breakthrough and reach success in a way never seen before.

Hold tight, because Y and Z are coming soon. Success from A – Z is almost done, but your success is just beginning!