donald trump

It's easy to forget that the presidency of the United States is a government job just like any other–in that it comes with a stipulated salary and benefits.

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Bill Gates (shutterstock)

Don't you just love stories about people giving back?

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Student Debt is basically the killer from an 80s slasher movie.

It can't be killed, it will come back to haunt you decades after it stopped being relevant, and it wants to punish you for having fun. If you're planning to shed your student debt by dying or declaring bankruptcy, I have some bad news for you. The loan you signed up for when you were too young to vote can often follow you and your bereaved loved ones forever. The sooner you give in, cut all leisure and luxury from your life to focus on paying off those debts, the sooner you'll be free.

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It's been nearly four years since President Trump's election, and to make an understatement, his approach to the presidency has been unorthodox.

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