Why the Best Employees are Just Like “Man’s Best Friend”

You’ve surely heard the expression, “working like a dog.” You know it means someone’s going at it hard, but that’s not all. The attributes many dogs display are a lot like those an employer would love to see put forth by their staff. Slobbery licks and wagging tails aside, some of the finest aspects of a dog’s personality are those that any employer would love to see among his or her staff.

Without having to “fetch” or “heel,” think about being a little more like your friend Fido in order to impress the higher-ups who are always willing to “throw a bone” to their most appreciated employee. And employers, seek out the “doggone” best team you can “pack” into one office!

1. They’re Loyal

Every boss would be lucky to have employees who are dependable through thick and thin. When an employee has the “it’s just a job” mentality, they have the propensity to get up and leave at any time.

Even when you’ve had no time to give your pup attention all day due to your busy schedule or you only have enough money to buy him a generic bone rather than the extra-meaty variety, he’s still thinks you’re the best. A good employee knows there will be ebbs and flows to workplace success and if he’s in it for the long haul, he’ll have your back. Just throw him a “bone” whenever he’s done a stellar job or is deserving of an extra treat, like a year-end bonus or some office perks.

As noted byJibe, according to a Harris Poll conducted by CareerBuilder, “73% of respondents said dependability can make all the difference between a candidate who usually follows through, and one who always does. Candidates who show a commitment to completing tasks on time, as assigned, during the application process will likely continue this behavior as employees.”

2. They’re Eager

Without motivation, how could any dog learn to fetch or why would they even want to try? The eager ones are always the most energetic and reap the rewards at the end, be it a belly rub or a biscuit. Naturally, no one is suggesting you give any sort of massage to Phil from accounting, but knowing your employees are eager to work hard to succeed is a positive sign that deserves recognition.

Just like our furry friends, a good employee is eager to take the steps to achieve and deliver results. As per Forbes, “Hire employees who take action and take chances. While chances may lead to failure, they will more often lead to success and mold confidence while generating new ideas. Stagnant employees won’t make your company money; action-oriented employees will.”

Ambition is contagious and will spread among the staff. When one dog finds the chow, you can expect the rest of the pack to be close behind.

3. They’re Optimistic

Positive energy is crucial for an employee to thrive, even in the most stressful of situations. An upbeat demeanor and a glass-half-full mentality will help push your business to the next frontier. Complaining and accepting the status quo is not only unhelpful, but brings the workplace atmosphere to a lull.

Your dog sees you leave for work every morning, but he’s always waiting by the window for your return, optimistic he’ll soon see his master again. His food bowl may run dry, but he’s confident it will soon runneth over. As Forbes notes, “Employees who come into work fresh and energetic everyday are going to outproduce workers who think negatively and easily burn-out when they encounter defeat. Upbeat and optimistic employees create a working environment that is unique, spawns new ideas and, just as important is enjoyable for the other people involved.”

When you’ve had a particularly difficult day, when you see that wagging tail and silly face coming at ya, doesn’t it just change your entire perspective? An employee’s similar go-getter attitude will have the same effect, minus the drool! Looking to hire a stellar staff? Check out Monster for qualified resumes that will surely unleash some great finds for your company.

Give your employees two paws up if they’re anything like man’s best friend. It’s not that “ruff” to figure out who’s “a good boy.”

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You've surely heard the expression, "working like a dog." You know it means someone's going at it hard, but that's not all. The attributes many dogs display are a lot like those an employer would love to see put forth by their staff. Slobbery licks and wagging tails aside, some of the finest aspects of a dog's personality are those that any employer would love to see among his or her staff. 

Without having to "fetch" or "heel," think about being a little more like your friend Fido in order to impress the higher-ups who are always willing to "throw a bone" to their most appreciated employee. And employers, seek out the "doggone" best team you can "pack" into one office!

1. They're Loyal

Every boss would be lucky to have employees who are dependable through thick and thin. When an employee has the "it's just a job" mentality, they have the propensity to get up and leave at any time.

Even when you've had no time to give your pup attention all day due to your busy schedule or you only have enough money to buy him a generic bone rather than the extra-meaty variety, he's still thinks you're the best. A good employee knows there will be ebbs and flows to workplace success and if he's in it for the long haul, he'll have your back. Just throw him a "bone" whenever he's done a stellar job or is deserving of an extra treat, like a year-end bonus or some office perks.

As noted byJibe, according to a Harris Poll conducted by CareerBuilder, "73% of respondents said dependability can make all the difference between a candidate who usually follows through, and one who always does. Candidates who show a commitment to completing tasks on time, as assigned, during the application process will likely continue this behavior as employees."

2. They're Eager

Without motivation, how could any dog learn to fetch or why would they even want to try? The eager ones are always the most energetic and reap the rewards at the end, be it a belly rub or a biscuit. Naturally, no one is suggesting you give any sort of massage to Phil from accounting, but knowing your employees are eager to work hard to succeed is a positive sign that deserves recognition.

Just like our furry friends, a good employee is eager to take the steps to achieve and deliver results. As per Forbes, "Hire employees who take action and take chances. While chances may lead to failure, they will more often lead to success and mold confidence while generating new ideas. Stagnant employees won't make your company money; action-oriented employees will."

Ambition is contagious and will spread among the staff. When one dog finds the chow, you can expect the rest of the pack to be close behind.

3. They're Optimistic

Positive energy is crucial for an employee to thrive, even in the most stressful of situations. An upbeat demeanor and a glass-half-full mentality will help push your business to the next frontier. Complaining and accepting the status quo is not only unhelpful, but brings the workplace atmosphere to a lull.

Your dog sees you leave for work every morning, but he's always waiting by the window for your return, optimistic he'll soon see his master again. His food bowl may run dry, but he's confident it will soon runneth over. As Forbes notes, "Employees who come into work fresh and energetic everyday are going to outproduce workers who think negatively and easily burn-out when they encounter defeat. Upbeat and optimistic employees create a working environment that is unique, spawns new ideas and, just as important is enjoyable for the other people involved."

When you've had a particularly difficult day, when you see that wagging tail and silly face coming at ya, doesn't it just change your entire perspective? An employee's similar go-getter attitude will have the same effect, minus the drool! Looking to hire a stellar staff? Check out Monster for qualified resumes that will surely unleash some great finds for your company.

Give your employees two paws up if they're anything like man's best friend. It's not that "ruff" to figure out who's "a good boy."


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