5 Simple Steps To Paying Off Your Student Loans

Students -- the real world comes with a lot of new responsibilities. Sure, you had a blast in school, but now it's time to get down to business and pay off those student loans. And it's not impossible, trust us. Here are some tips and tricks for keeping on top of your game and being a debt-free adult.

1. Cut large pieces of the debt pie.

The fastest way to eat a pie is to eat large slices. And in turn, that's the fastest way to get rid of your student debt. If you can swing it, try to up your payment amount to get it out of the way. This will end up saving you money. The longer you leave the pie out, the staler it will get. Interest rates will end up making your loan more expensive than it originally was.

2. Give yourself a deadline.

Your loans are just more to-dos on your list. It will give you comfort to know that in 3-5 years, you'll be saying sayonara to student debt. Stick to that schedule and pay on time. It's like taking your daily medication or exercising. It must be done.

3. Budget, budget, budget.

Budgeting is not a bad word, like dieting. Instead of thinking about budgeting like it's a restriction, think of it as an evaluation of what's truly valuable in your life. Create a list of the essentials you must pay for in your social life, personal life, and professional life. Be as minimalist as possible. Your rewards will be more rewarding when you limit yourself. Here's how you can make your own budgeting plan.

4. Save, save, save.

Savings accounts are like a security blanket. You might think of it as cutting away at your spending money, but it's like a squirrel burying nuts for the winter. It's worth the wait! You'll be so surprised at how much more money you have that your debt won't seem as intimidating as it did before. Also, consider investing in an account that will accrue interest over time. Here's how.

5. Consider a part-time job.

Any extra income you can get will be valuable to you when it comes to getting those loans paid off for good. But don't overexert yourself, and don't be too picky. Find a low-stress job that will give you that extra cushion of support for anything you might want to do on the side. (You don't have to give up Margarita Mondays, necessarily!)

Now that wasn't so bad, was it? With these simple steps in mind, you'll make your way to financial freedom before you know it.

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