How Content Marketing Can Improve Your Business

Every business owner strives to market their business in the best ways they know how. From the tried and true to the latest trends, no matter the avenue, most savvy business owners are willing to test out a new marketing tactic to improve their business.

Content marketing isn't exactly new, but many businesses haven't yet given it a go. Traditionalists or those unfamiliar with how content marketing can boost business may not realize the benefits of this industrious type of marketing. But what is it exactly?

By definition, Content Marketing Institute describes content marketing as, "a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly-defined audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action." Therefore, "Instead of pitching your products or services, you are providing truly relevant and useful content to your prospects and customers to help them solve their issues." Advantageous for both the business and the consumer. Seems like a winning solution!

As per Vertical Measures, 61% of customers are more likely to buy from a company which publishes custom content. Here's a look into some of the effective ways content marketing can work for you…

Get and Stay on the Radar

There are many companies to choose from in nearly any field. Content marketing can help make your company stand out from the pack. Simply placing your products or services on your website with descriptions and pricing isn't enough to make you memorable anymore. You need to be unique, interesting, and engaging. Content marketing is a favorable way to do just that.

As per YFS Magazine, "Every company has a niche. Talk about that niche, and your business can stay relevant. Consistently provide interesting content. Maintaining a company blog is one of the most common and simplest means of content marketing. However, you can go further and boost authority by publishing an industry newsletter or magazine." Create awareness and gain new clients and customers who are seeking more from a business than a quick transaction.

As Vertical Measures puts it, "Content marketing has been called the "new branding" as it consistently reaches your potential and current clients and reinforces that promise." Show your customers what you have to offer - and that's more than a product or service. It's who you are and what you value as a business owner, which is far more memorable in the long-term.

Build Trust

According to Vertical Measures, "If you publish frequently, your content will build trust not only with your potential clients but also with the search engines. Search engines want to deliver the very best content possible to the audience using their engine." According to Content Marketing Institute, "Search engines reward businesses that publish quality, consistent content." In turn, the customers will find you and look into using your business for their needs. They want who's on top of their game, and content marketing done well will put you there.

Customer trust is something businesses have always valued, and SEO and ranking in search engines is the modern way people find businesses they deem trustworthy and the one to ultimately choose. "This translates into increased traffic, which can lead to more people linking to your websites; creating a positive feedback loop where people will remain interested in your business as long as you continue to create value," notes YFS Magazine.

The more content you provide, the more educated and involved your clients and customers become. Make sure your content is not only sales-focused, but relevant to an array of aspects of your field and helpful to your readers even if they're not making a purchase at the time. This shows that you are invested in their well-being beyond the sale. Knowing you have their interests at heart will have them returning to you the next time they need your product or service. As per Vertical Measures, "A well-educated client is a better, more long-lasting client. In order to build customer loyalty, provide additional value through your content long after the sale is done."

Keep at It

As per Content Marketing Institute, "Content marketing increases sales and brings better customers who are loyal to your brand." Be sure to regularly update content on your website and social media feeds. Send emails with not only salesy information, but benevolent information and updates as well to keep your customers engaged and informed. Keep on target with your company's values and morals and use a tone that reflects your businesses "personality."

See what consumers are reading and hone in on that type of content. See what people are "liking" and "sharing" and give them more of what they enjoy. If you link out to calls to action in your content, make it relevant and natural to the subject matter. You'll find that customers will appreciate honesty and integrity.

Now it's time to boost that content and get it out there! If you need help getting started, check out Content Marketing Institute's guide to developing content for marketing.

Extra, extra… read all about YOUR business!

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