Even More All-Natural Mind Boosters G, H, and I

If you've been enjoying learning about (and eating) mind-boosting all-natural nutrition from avocados, blueberries, and celery to dark chocolate, eggs, and fish, then get ready for three more ways to keep your mind sharp, your body well-nourished, and your energy and stamina strong and steady all day.

Before you mindlessly grab a sticky candy bar from the vending machine or slurp down another cup of that nasty office coffee for a mid-day pick-me-up, consider going all-natural for a boost from Mother Nature instead. These next three choices, goji berries, hazelnuts, and iron-rich foods will have you revved-up and ready to rock your work day the all-natural way.

Goji Berries

If you're tired of the usual mixed berry fruit cup, try goji berries instead. As per Dr. Axe, "Goji berries have been used in traditional Chinese medicine for over 2,000 years." They help maintain energy and stamina and are considered a "superfood" by experts in nutrition.

Global Healing Center adds that "diets rich in berries reduce, or even reverse, declining brain function." Goji berries are rich in antioxidants and they "may slow down brain aging and prevent disease, while promoting the growth of healthy brain cells."

Munch on ½ cup goji berries for just 100 calories. Eat them dried on their own, add as a salad topper, or shake into a trail mix. You'll feel brighter and better in no time.


According to WebMD, "Nuts and seeds are good sources of vitamin E." High levels of this vitamin mean less cognitive decline as we age. One ounce of nuts like hazelnuts per day is all you need to get this boost.

Along with vitamin E, Livestrongadds, "Hazelnuts contain flavonoids which may support brain health."

Not only are these crunchy nuts absolutely delicious, but they will motivate your mind as they mesmerize your mouth. Nosh on a handful of these nuts raw or roasted, stir into yogurt, or bake into a high-fiber muffin. Enjoy the nutrition along with the brainpower surge.

Iron-Rich Foods

Eating Well recommends a diet rich in iron for a sharper mind. "Studies show that being even mildly iron-deficient affects learning, memory, and attention. Luckily, restoring iron levels to normal also restores cognitive function."

Some foods that are rich in iron include beans, meat, soy, and dark leafy greens. Go for a chopped kale salad, a few ounces of lean organic meat or soy if you're not a meat-eater, a zesty 3-bean salad, or a side of steamed spinach with lunch to up your iron intake so you're on the ball all day.

As perSun Warrior, "Spinach can prevent or delay dementia and also slows the effects of aging on the brain." Popeye was not only strong in body, but likely sharp in the noggin' too!

Want more? Please see the next batch of goodiesthat will make your mind as sharp as ever.

Stay tuned for the next foods in our all-natural brain-boosting nutrition series. Eating well will blow your mind!

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