Will Developing an App Help My Small Business?

Small businesses, welcome to the 21st century. If you haven't noticed, it's a mobile century. That means, everyone's constantly on the go and thumbs are a'working long hours scrolling through everything and anything. So what does that translate to for your business? Huge businesses are developing apps to cater to the mobile market. But should small businesses follow suit? We think so. Here's why.

Lend your business credibility.

If you take the time to app-ify your small business, your customers will get the sense that you really know what you're doing. A clean and simple app goes one step further than a mobile site. Appearances are just as important as content. A well-designed app will attract users.

Care about your customers.

Everyone appreciates something made especially for them, and apps do just that. Email spamming and insane deals and offers will get overwhelming quickly, and an app keeps your name on the radar without annoying your customers.

Get your brand out there.

Having an app for your business will make your brand visible on a whole new spectrum. According to Forbes Magazine, it's like having a "blank billboard sign." The more people start hearing about your app, the more likely it is that they'll tell their friends, or look at it when passing the time. Anytime someone opens your app is an opportunity for new business.

Be useful.

Apps can provide services that desktop websites cannot. You'll have the opportunity to sync your app with other apps to make everything easier and more convenient for your customers.

Add polish.

A mobile app is an easy way to format your content to look streamlined and professional. It's a great add on to consider vs. compressing and chopping down your beautiful desktop-designed website onto a tiny screen.


You don't need to get a bunch of developers to build your app. You can learn how to do it yourself! Check out these resources for learning how to become your own app developer.

Join in with the big guys and consider starting an app for your small business. In this mobile-first world, you'll be glad you took the time to get a step ahead of the rest.