3 Techniques to Increase Your Confidence at Work


Whether you are new on the job, feeling pressure to perform, finding yourself messing up more than usual, or you're just not on your "A" game, confidence can take a nose dive. Your boss may be questioning your abilities, co-workers seem to be thriving while you're floundering, and you just can't get it together. It's no wonder your faith in yourself isn't as stellar as it ought to be.

But you can't wait for others to build you up, nor will there be some magical moment when suddenly your ego explodes. You need to boost your own confidence, get back your "mojo" (or get your first taste of some), and show yourself and those you work with that you've got what it takes to succeed.

Put Forth Your Best Self


Your inner strength is what will push you through hard times and hurdles, but if you look good, you'll feel good. And that will give you the courage and sureness to shine. This isn't about beauty or showing off; it's an outward reflection of what type of person you are, what you seek to achieve, and how you choose to present yourself.

As per The Muse, "Dressing well, having good posture, being friendly, and making eye contact with people will all give the impression that you're confident and in control. And when the rest of the world thinks you're self-assured, you'll start believing it, too."

Inc. adds, "How you move around in the office can determine your mood. Add a little zing and energy, and you can gain more confidence when people notice you have the pep. Confidence is reflected."

Put your best foot forward and "best" is the direction you'll go!

Change Your Mindset


Negative self-talk and debilitating doubt will stall you on your journey towards reaching the top. Confidence starts from within, so berating yourself will only keep you down. Remind yourself daily that you are a hard worker, a smart person, and someone who has it inside themselves to reach any goal set forth.

Huffington Post suggests investing in your mind. "Focus on speaking positive affirmations to yourself daily, meditate on the right things, keep upgrading your inspiration and motivational content and ensure that your mind is consistently fixed on the right things."

AsEntrepreneurputs it, "Fake it 'till you make it. You are more competent than you know. So, act like you know it all!"

One way to do this is to "trumpet your own success," as per Inc. For instance, "You can build your own confidence by pointing out, in a matter-of-fact way, that you were the one who accomplished something for the company. It makes you more confident because you get into the habit of self-rewards and self-acknowledgement."

It's not gloating when it's genuine.

Don't Be Afraid to Ask Questions


Ask and you shall receive… and eventually, you shall achieve! If you don't quite grasp a concept brought up in a meeting or need clarification on an email or presentation, ask! Staying silent and in a state of confusion will only dampen your confidence. When you are in-the-know and well-educated, you will perform at your best.

As The Muse notes, "Remember that (no matter what stage you're at in your career) you're never going to have all the answers. So, don't be shy about asking questions, especially when you're feeling uncertain or insecure. Instead, arm yourself with the information you need to do your job well by asking for it."

Asking questions will not only help you grow, but will show that you are invested in the company and care about making a difference. Hooking up with a mentor is another smart strategy to get ahead and help you feel more confident in your abilities. And when you get to a point of achievement, pay it forward.

Confidence starts now! Boost your way to a breakthrough!