A-Z Guide to Workplace Success – G, H, and I

Success in the workplace is what we all want to achieve, but getting there requires stamina, strength, and smarts, among a slew of other behaviors and attributes to reach our goals and then some.

As we travel through the alphabet, every letter has an associated term that takes us one step closer to success. We last covered D, E, and F – Detail-oriented, Enthusiasm, and Flexibility, and prior to that, A, B, and C – Ambition, Boldness, and Commitment. Let's add to the growing list and inch closer to success!

Here we'll cover Grateful, Helpful, and Integrity. All three are vital traits for a person to embrace in order to accomplish goals and raise the bar for themselves and those around them, thus leading to progress, prosperity, and success beyond their wildest imagination!


Lots of hard work and making it towards goal after goal is no easy feat. Whether you made it on your own or did it with the aid of those around you, being thankful is not only humbling, but will keep you grounded and help you remember where you started and what you're still headed for.

According to Inspiyr, "Many will tell you that hard work and dedication produce success. However, being grateful for your blessings in life is arguably what opens the door to a life of success and prosperity."

Even when you hit a roadblock or things don't go quite as planned, look on the bright side towards what's gone well thus far. As per The Benefits of Positive Thinking, "Being grateful has the power to change your mood almost instantly from negative to positive. Whatever your circumstances, they can always be even more difficult. Think about the fact that they are not so, and look at the positive side of your reality."

Thank those around you, those who helped you get where you are today, and be grateful for your place in life right now. Coming from this perspective will allow you to jump over hurdles and strive for new goals with a positive and purposeful outlook and agenda.


When a person is laser-focused on reaching a goal, they may seek out help, but what about what they can do for others? Success is a give and take process, and without a certain level of camaraderie and teamwork, you may not ever reach it.

According to Business Insider, "When you shift your focus off of yourself and onto the people you serve, you set yourself up for success." Inc. adds, "One of the most rewarding things about achieving success is the opportunity to encourage and motivate others. Successful people realize they have the power to help others increase their confidence in themselves. In doing so they create life-long loyalty."

Do unto others… this is always part of a successful person's mantra.


According to Inc. "Integrity creates character and defines who you are." Entrepreneur explains, "Integrity means doing the right thing because it is the right thing to do. And that's what makes success."

Follow through with promises and always respect others. Be trustworthy, open, and willing to admit when you've made a mistake along with being thoughtful to forgive others. As Goal Setting Guide notes, "By making the commitment to become a totally honest person, you will be doing more to ensure your success and happiness in life than anything else you can ever do."

Work on these traits if they aren't part of your DNA already. You'll find yourself getting closer and closer to success the more you practice them.

Stay tuned for more A-Z coverage for workplace success.

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