6 Easy Ways to Save Money


Everyone wants to save money, but life on a strict budget can start to feel like an exercise in misery.

But living paycheck to paycheck is also exhausting, so how can you save money without making life boring? To help you with this balance, we've gathered the easiest tips and tricks for saving money with relatively little hassle.

Buy Generic

Most people think that buying the store brand cereal means a decrease in quality, but in reality most generic products come from the same factory as the name brand, meaning you get the same product for serious savings.

Buy Bulk

If you know your family is going to go through X number of toothpaste tubes in coming months, why not stock up all at once? Buying bulk is usually cheaper than buying individually, especially as big box stores like Costco, so look for deals when it comes to the non-perishable goods you know your family will use.

Consolidate Debt

Take advantage of historically low interest rates to pay off high-interest debt, and save you and your family a bundle.

Only Eat Out on Special Occasions

Make a dinner out with your significant other an intimate date night saved for special events. Chances are you won't really mind giving up your $11 salad that you rush to eat on your lunch break. Start brown-bagging your lunches as often as you can, and watch the savings grow.

Maintain Your Car

A well maintained car is an inexpensive car. If you ensure your tires are properly inflated to increase gas mileage and that you're regularly checking all of your cars systems, you can avoid preventable (and expensive) problems from occurring and keep your car on the road as long as possible.

Get a Cashback Reward Card

If you have a credit card already, why not get one with benefits? For the best savings options, choose a rewards card that offers a percentage of cash back for every dollar you spend.

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