How to Feng Shui Your Office

The practice of feng shui dates back thousands of years to ancient China. Feng shui, translating to “wind and water,” combines Chinese astrology with the shape, magnetic direction, and age of structures to promote the flow of energy forces, such as Qi (Chi). A good chi creates harmony between a person and their environment.

Feng shui is often used to bring productivity to the workplace. Many well-known businesses are known for implementing feng shui practices into their business culture, from Virgin Airlines and Coca Cola to Ford Motor Company. Walt Disney executives even decided to shift the angle of the Hong Kong Disneyland front gate after consulting with a feng shui master. Feng shui is believed to increase employee satisfaction, draw more clients, and generate more wealth. Whether you are looking for advice to add feng shui energy to your home office, workspace, or the overall layout of your business, implementing some of these feng shui tips can help.

Workspace layout

workspace office layout feng shuiPhoto/Love to Know

Desk placement is important in promoting good chi throughout your office space. Finding the best command position for sitting at your desk will promote productivity. When sitting at your desk, it is best to face the entryway of your office. Having a wall or heavy piece of furniture behind you to support your back promotes positive energy flow. It’s never recommended to face away from a window.

If you have no choice but to face a wall, there are still ways to promote good chi. Place a mirror on the wall that will allow you to view the space behind you. Because facing the wall is said to block energy flow, you can promote better flow by placing vibrant artwork and pictures that inspire you. Likewise, if you don’t have the option to place backing support behind your chair, try switching to a high-back office chair.

Sha Chi, or poison arrows, are known as negative feng shui energy. It’s believed to bring illness and depression if you are exposed to them for long periods of time. It’s also known to deplete energy. To avoid this bad energy, try avoiding any sharp angles in the room pointing at your desk. If the poison arrow can’t be avoided, find something to place in front of the sharp angle, such as a plant, to block its bad energy.


best plants for office feng shui

Plants are an important part of feng shui. Promoting positive chi through air quality and the wood element, plants bring vital energy to the workspace. In general, any plant (as long as it’s healthy and not dying) can be used in the office. However, plants with sharp edges or thorns may stop the flow of chi because of their poison arrows. Also, some feng shui experts believe bonsai plants are best avoided because they are overly pruned and therefore stunt growth. Plants that reach upward, such as bamboo plants, energize new business and wealth. Planterra has a list of great recommended office plants to consider.


feng shui elements

Choosing the right colors in your office can promote good feng shui energy. Colors are known to be an expression of the five feng shui elements: fire, earth, metal, water, and wood.

Using the colors red, orange, bold yellow, purple, and pink represents the fire element. These colors can promote high energy and achievement in your career.

The earth element is represented through light yellow, beige, and other earthy/sand colors. They elicit stability and can have a calming effect.

Grey and white colors belong to the metal element. Using these colors in your office help to eliminate distractions while promoting clarity and efficiency.

With blue and black colors, you can bring the water element into your office. This element promotes a sense of freshness and creativity.

Wood elements are portrayed through brown and green colors. Using these colors can promote vitality, growth, wealth, and prosperity.

Feng Shui Tips for 2020

feng shui tips for year of the rat

With feng shui practices drawing from Chinese astrology, you may benefit in implementing some tips from what experts on the matter have to say on the Year of the Rat (2020). The rat year’s colors are blue and turquoise. Priya Khanna, a master feng shui consultant, states that the dominant elements for this year are water and metal. Because of star alignments, Khanna suggests placing water features in the northwest, west, or northeast section of your office. The east is the highly burdened segment this year. To combat any negative energy, try placing a 6-rod hollow metal wind chime in the eastern section of your office.

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The practice of feng shui dates back thousands of years to ancient China. Feng shui, translating to "wind and water," combines Chinese astrology with the shape, magnetic direction, and age of structures to promote the flow of energy forces, such as Qi (Chi). A good chi creates harmony between a person and their environment.

Feng shui is often used to bring productivity to the workplace. Many well-known businesses are known for implementing feng shui practices into their business culture, from Virgin Airlines and Coca Cola to Ford Motor Company. Walt Disney executives even decided to shift the angle of the Hong Kong Disneyland front gate after consulting with a feng shui master. Feng shui is believed to increase employee satisfaction, draw more clients, and generate more wealth. Whether you are looking for advice to add feng shui energy to your home office, workspace, or the overall layout of your business, implementing some of these feng shui tips can help.

Workspace layout

workspace office layout feng shuiPhoto/Love to Know

Desk placement is important in promoting good chi throughout your office space. Finding the best command position for sitting at your desk will promote productivity. When sitting at your desk, it is best to face the entryway of your office. Having a wall or heavy piece of furniture behind you to support your back promotes positive energy flow. It's never recommended to face away from a window.

If you have no choice but to face a wall, there are still ways to promote good chi. Place a mirror on the wall that will allow you to view the space behind you. Because facing the wall is said to block energy flow, you can promote better flow by placing vibrant artwork and pictures that inspire you. Likewise, if you don't have the option to place backing support behind your chair, try switching to a high-back office chair.

Sha Chi, or poison arrows, are known as negative feng shui energy. It's believed to bring illness and depression if you are exposed to them for long periods of time. It's also known to deplete energy. To avoid this bad energy, try avoiding any sharp angles in the room pointing at your desk. If the poison arrow can't be avoided, find something to place in front of the sharp angle, such as a plant, to block its bad energy.


best plants for office feng shui

Plants are an important part of feng shui. Promoting positive chi through air quality and the wood element, plants bring vital energy to the workspace. In general, any plant (as long as it's healthy and not dying) can be used in the office. However, plants with sharp edges or thorns may stop the flow of chi because of their poison arrows. Also, some feng shui experts believe bonsai plants are best avoided because they are overly pruned and therefore stunt growth. Plants that reach upward, such as bamboo plants, energize new business and wealth. Planterra has a list of great recommended office plants to consider.


feng shui elements

Choosing the right colors in your office can promote good feng shui energy. Colors are known to be an expression of the five feng shui elements: fire, earth, metal, water, and wood.

Using the colors red, orange, bold yellow, purple, and pink represents the fire element. These colors can promote high energy and achievement in your career.

The earth element is represented through light yellow, beige, and other earthy/sand colors. They elicit stability and can have a calming effect.

Grey and white colors belong to the metal element. Using these colors in your office help to eliminate distractions while promoting clarity and efficiency.

With blue and black colors, you can bring the water element into your office. This element promotes a sense of freshness and creativity.

Wood elements are portrayed through brown and green colors. Using these colors can promote vitality, growth, wealth, and prosperity.

Feng Shui Tips for 2020

feng shui tips for year of the rat

With feng shui practices drawing from Chinese astrology, you may benefit in implementing some tips from what experts on the matter have to say on the Year of the Rat (2020). The rat year's colors are blue and turquoise. Priya Khanna, a master feng shui consultant, states that the dominant elements for this year are water and metal. Because of star alignments, Khanna suggests placing water features in the northwest, west, or northeast section of your office. The east is the highly burdened segment this year. To combat any negative energy, try placing a 6-rod hollow metal wind chime in the eastern section of your office.


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