How Much are You Spending on Coffee?

To those of us that wait ten to fifteen minutes in line at a coffee shop, the dependency is real. And it's understandable. You work long hours and you need that little jolt every two to three hours. Even though it may seem like a small price to pay, each time you add another cup, that adds up. According to Fortune, since coffee has been in a deficit and demand has been growing, the price of coffee has been driven up. That's barring any major weather threat, which could drive coffee back to the $3 per pound rate it was at in 2011.

According to a 2012 report, the average American spends about $14.40 per week on coffee, which amounts to $1,100.00 per year. That's money that could be going to electric bills, saving up for a vacation, or paying down credit card debt. Here are a few ways to save on coffee without sacrificing the energy you need to have a productive day.

1. Make it at home.

Buying individual coffees, while convenient, is a huge money-suck. Buying in bulk is a great alternative to save money. Plus, it's a lot better for the environment. Split the cost of beans and a coffee maker with your roommates, and there you go!

2. Try tea instead.

Tea is often a lot cheaper than coffee, and has a good amount of caffeine as well. Also, the tea bag has the unique ability to be reused. For example, you should always order a large tea compared to a small tea, because the large tea may come with two bags. After steeped for three to five minutes, there's usually enough juice left for another steeping. Don't toss your tea bag just because you're out of hot water.

3. Get more sleep.

If you're a compulsive coffee drinker, the answer may not lie in its flavor or the ambiance of coffee shops, but in the fact that you don't get enough sleep at night. Turning out the lights one hour earlier can make you feel more refreshed and energized, and you may be able to cut out one or two cups during the day.

4. Do some jumping jacks.

Get your blood pumping with some energizing jumping jacks, a morning jog, or simply a cold shower. Coffee dependency can be saved, and it starts with the ability to recognize that we don't need it. On every "coffee break" at work, take a walk around the block and grab a snack instead. Sometimes when we think we're craving caffeine, we just have low blood sugar and need an apple.

We know you love your corner coffee shop, but be aware that there are cheaper alternatives to give you your daily jolt. For more ideas, check this out!

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