5 Apps that Save Your Money So You Don’t Have to

Saving money requires sacrificing short-term enjoyment for long-term security, and many have a hard time sticking with a savings plan and changing their money habits. Right now, according to Forbes,7 in 10 Americans have less than $1,000 saved. For those who live in fear of checking their balance, the launch of automated savings apps is making it easier than ever to visualize the difference between where your money is going and where it could be taking you. Using one of these free, easy to use apps may mean the difference between traveling the world of just dreaming about it.

Daily Budget

Say goodbye to Excel sheets with Daily Budget. This easy-to-use interface calculates how much you can spend each day based on your income, expenses, and savings goals. Those new to budgeting may find this app especially helpful since it does the daunting work of budgeting for you (or at least eases you into it). The free version comes with less goodies and spending categories to track exactly where your money is going, but is a great app for checking in and remind yourself what you can actually afford to spend each day.


Saving for a vacation of wedding? Dobot has you covered. This handy app keeps you on track to meet big savings goals. Like Digit, Dobot analyzes what you can afford to save and automates the saving process so it’s hardly noticeable and practically painless. You can set deadlines and even add photos to keep you motivated. Worried you might have to take a savings break? You can also pause Dobot at anytime.

Tip Yourself

Reward yourself (and your bank account) when you head to the gym or finally take a break from binge-watching Gilmore Girls with Tip Yourself. With this app, you can tackle and reward multiple goals, form new habits, and watch your funds add up.


If you’re someone who avoids checking your bank account at all costs, then Digit is for you. An automated savings app, Digit evaluates how much you spend and saves money incrementally so you don’t even notice it’s gone. It also texts you every morning to tell you how much money is available in your checking. With Digit there’s virtually no excuse not to know how much money you have to save. While Digit savings don’t accrue interest, you can transfer it back to an account that does anytime you want.


Don’t trust yourself enough to save with Tip Yourself? Qapital is a rule-based automatic savings program that helps you reach your financial goals through moving money from your checking to your savings account. It may sound like something you could do on your own, but by settings savings triggers you can save without having to think about it. Many users report it makes saving fun. Yes, fun!

Savings isn’t so hard when you have these handy apps to help you out!

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Saving money requires sacrificing short-term enjoyment for long-term security, and many have a hard time sticking with a savings plan and changing their money habits. Right now, according to Forbes,7 in 10 Americans have less than $1,000 saved. For those who live in fear of checking their balance, the launch of automated savings apps is making it easier than ever to visualize the difference between where your money is going and where it could be taking you. Using one of these free, easy to use apps may mean the difference between traveling the world of just dreaming about it.

Daily Budget

Say goodbye to Excel sheets with Daily Budget. This easy-to-use interface calculates how much you can spend each day based on your income, expenses, and savings goals. Those new to budgeting may find this app especially helpful since it does the daunting work of budgeting for you (or at least eases you into it). The free version comes with less goodies and spending categories to track exactly where your money is going, but is a great app for checking in and remind yourself what you can actually afford to spend each day.


Saving for a vacation of wedding? Dobot has you covered. This handy app keeps you on track to meet big savings goals. Like Digit, Dobot analyzes what you can afford to save and automates the saving process so it's hardly noticeable and practically painless. You can set deadlines and even add photos to keep you motivated. Worried you might have to take a savings break? You can also pause Dobot at anytime.

Tip Yourself

Reward yourself (and your bank account) when you head to the gym or finally take a break from binge-watching Gilmore Girls with Tip Yourself. With this app, you can tackle and reward multiple goals, form new habits, and watch your funds add up.


If you're someone who avoids checking your bank account at all costs, then Digit is for you. An automated savings app, Digit evaluates how much you spend and saves money incrementally so you don't even notice it's gone. It also texts you every morning to tell you how much money is available in your checking. With Digit there's virtually no excuse not to know how much money you have to save. While Digit savings don't accrue interest, you can transfer it back to an account that does anytime you want.


Don't trust yourself enough to save with Tip Yourself? Qapital is a rule-based automatic savings program that helps you reach your financial goals through moving money from your checking to your savings account. It may sound like something you could do on your own, but by settings savings triggers you can save without having to think about it. Many users report it makes saving fun. Yes, fun!

Savings isn't so hard when you have these handy apps to help you out!


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