How I Secured Lower Monthly Payments On My Auto Loan With RateGenius

My life has changed a lot over the last 18 months. I got married, bought a home, and now my wife and I are expecting our first baby. With all of the joy has come a lot more responsibility, and while all of the changes are exciting, we’re always looking for ways to be better about saving money for our future. I’ve always been a good saver and had a decent credit score, but I never realized that I could be pocketing big savings on my car payments until a coworker told me about RateGenius. RateGenius is a service that negotiates with lenders to secure you lower monthly payments on your car loan.

They transferred my loan to a new lender, leading to lower monthly payments.

I went online and saw that RateGenius works by transferring ownership of your car payment from one creditor to another. The old loan gets paid off and is replaced with a new one that has monthly payments that are more affordable. In addition to having lower interest rates, they can shorten the life of their clients’ loans by a lot! Their experts work with over 150 lenders nationwide to find a fit that works best for your financial situation. Sounded like a simple and effective way to put a little more money in the bank for my growing family.

Their pre-qualifying application was quick and had no impact on my credit score.

My credit score has been something I’ve taken seriously since I got my first credit card at 19, so I’ve always been wary of any application that requires a credit check, because I heard it can lower your score. So I really liked that RateGenius’ initial application didn’t require a credit check. The only information they needed was my name, date of birth, address, yearly income, and vehicle type. Once I was done, they showed me a rate table that outlined various options and estimates on how much I would be saving depending on which plan I picked. Seeing the rate table was helpful because it gave me a better idea of how much I could be saving, before going through the full application process.

The full application process only took minutes.

After I decided that refinancing my car loan was a good fit for me, I was immediately impressed with how simple the full application process was from start to finish. I deal with numbers and computers all day long at work, so the fact that it didn’t cause me a headache was a real plus. Everything was done online and only took me a couple of minutes. I was able to shop around for the best rates, and their online calculator gave a good estimation of what my new monthly payments would look like.

They don’t get paid unless they save me money

After I went through the whole process and was matched with a new creditor, I was pleasantly surprised to learn that RateGenius doesn’t charge a fee unless they successfully secure you lower monthly payments. I loved this risk free payment structure, and that I wouldn’t have to pay a cent unless they found me a great deal. They ended up matching me with a creditor that is saving me a huge chunk of change every month, and the one time fee was nothing in comparison to what I’m pocketing.

I’m on track to save almost $1,000 this year.

RateGenius was able to secure me a new repayment plan that saved me $78 a month. Now I’m only paying 2% interest — that’s a huge improvement from my old loan. That means I’m pocketing almost $1,000 in savings a year. That’s some serious cash for a first time dad with a new mortgage!

I’m so glad I discovered RateGenius — it’s a relatively quick and worthwhile way to refinance your car loans and reduce your interest rates. Their experts did all of the hard work for me, and now my payments are much more manageable for my family. I’m putting all of the money RateGenius has saved me straight into a college fund for my son. We haven’t even met him yet, but it feels good to be getting a head start on his future.

Prequalify for auto refinance with no impact on your credit score today!

Browse For New Rates

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My life has changed a lot over the last 18 months. I got married, bought a home, and now my wife and I are expecting our first baby. With all of the joy has come a lot more responsibility, and while all of the changes are exciting, we're always looking for ways to be better about saving money for our future. I've always been a good saver and had a decent credit score, but I never realized that I could be pocketing big savings on my car payments until a coworker told me about RateGenius. RateGenius is a service that negotiates with lenders to secure you lower monthly payments on your car loan.

They transferred my loan to a new lender, leading to lower monthly payments.

I went online and saw that RateGenius works by transferring ownership of your car payment from one creditor to another. The old loan gets paid off and is replaced with a new one that has monthly payments that are more affordable. In addition to having lower interest rates, they can shorten the life of their clients' loans by a lot! Their experts work with over 150 lenders nationwide to find a fit that works best for your financial situation. Sounded like a simple and effective way to put a little more money in the bank for my growing family.

Their pre-qualifying application was quick and had no impact on my credit score.

My credit score has been something I've taken seriously since I got my first credit card at 19, so I've always been wary of any application that requires a credit check, because I heard it can lower your score. So I really liked that RateGenius' initial application didn't require a credit check. The only information they needed was my name, date of birth, address, yearly income, and vehicle type. Once I was done, they showed me a rate table that outlined various options and estimates on how much I would be saving depending on which plan I picked. Seeing the rate table was helpful because it gave me a better idea of how much I could be saving, before going through the full application process.

The full application process only took minutes.

After I decided that refinancing my car loan was a good fit for me, I was immediately impressed with how simple the full application process was from start to finish. I deal with numbers and computers all day long at work, so the fact that it didn't cause me a headache was a real plus. Everything was done online and only took me a couple of minutes. I was able to shop around for the best rates, and their online calculator gave a good estimation of what my new monthly payments would look like.

They don't get paid unless they save me money

After I went through the whole process and was matched with a new creditor, I was pleasantly surprised to learn that RateGenius doesn't charge a fee unless they successfully secure you lower monthly payments. I loved this risk free payment structure, and that I wouldn't have to pay a cent unless they found me a great deal. They ended up matching me with a creditor that is saving me a huge chunk of change every month, and the one time fee was nothing in comparison to what I'm pocketing.

I'm on track to save almost $1,000 this year.

RateGenius was able to secure me a new repayment plan that saved me $78 a month. Now I'm only paying 2% interest -- that's a huge improvement from my old loan. That means I'm pocketing almost $1,000 in savings a year. That's some serious cash for a first time dad with a new mortgage!

I'm so glad I discovered RateGenius -- it's a relatively quick and worthwhile way to refinance your car loans and reduce your interest rates. Their experts did all of the hard work for me, and now my payments are much more manageable for my family. I'm putting all of the money RateGenius has saved me straight into a college fund for my son. We haven't even met him yet, but it feels good to be getting a head start on his future.

Prequalify for auto refinance with no impact on your credit score today!



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