10 Best Cities for Freelancers

Hate going into the office day in and day out and always wished for a freelancer's life? Freelancers have some coveted perks surrounding flexibility and need willpower and a go-getter attitude to keep at it in order to maintain their careers, but sometimes their location makes it difficult to get their jobs done effectively. Then there are those places throughout the world which seem to be tailor-made to suit a freelancer's lifestyle perfectly.

That's where Hoofdkraan, a Dutch freelance platform's study of over 90 countries comes in handy. If you're wondering where in the world to work as a freelancer with the best set-up for success, be it good weather, speedy internet speed, varied and plentiful workspace availability, etc., their findings using 23 ranking factors will be useful for anyone willing and able to take their work virtually anywhere. Heck, isn't that what the freelance life is all about?

Imagine consulting from a charming café in Marseille or writing essays and books beachfront in Miami. Sounds like a dream compared to trying to drown out the endless noise at your local Starbucks or staring at a bare brick wall inside a shared (and outrageously expensive) workspace cubicle.

The study's top 10 findings all seem like wonderful places to visit, and if you can maintain and grow a freelance career there too, it's a bonus beyond one's wildest imagination.

The top ten best cities as per Hoofdkraan for freelancers are as follows, with some of their biggest perks as to why they were chosen:

1.Lisbon, Portugal. Lisbon is an inexpensive place to live, the internet is fast, and it's beach-adjacent. Sounds like a freelancer's dream locale!

2.Miami, Florida, USA. Miami weather is perfect, the internet speed is like lightning, and the quality of life can't be beat. Will Smith knew what he was rapping about!

3.Seville, Spain. Warm weather, totally affordable, and fast internet speeds make Seville a freelancer's home a great place to work from. Hola amigos!

4.Las Palmas, Spain. Another Spanish location with ideal weather, beachfront workspaces, and natural beauty. If you're not distracted by the dreamy surroundings, this seems like a blissful place to work from.

5.New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. There's so much to do in New Orleans; after work, the nightlife is second to none. Plus the internet is fast and the quality of life is extraordinary.

6.Bristol, United Kingdom. The high quality of life, safe surroundings, and a variety of places for freelancers to work from make Bristol a terrific choice for those seeking to head "across the pond."

7.Marseille, France. This small city feels homey, yet the nightlife is pumping. There are lots of places for freelancers to work from, and calling France "home" is something many people have only dreamt of.

8.Bratislava, Slovakia. While not too many people have even considered Bratislava as a place to freelance from, the area's low taxes, inexpensive cost of living, and fast internet make it something to think about.

9.Vancouver, Canada. Peaceful, natural, and close to the beach. Seems like a retreat, but as long as you can get your work done, Vancouver is an ideal place for a freelancer to make a living from. Plus, "freedom of speech" was ranked as a plus by the creators of the study.

10.Porto, Portugal. Safety is important, and Porto is considered a very safe place to live. Add the area's great weather and sandy beaches, and a freelancer can do their job well while enjoying the breathtaking surroundings.

For the full list which ranked 117 cities in all, see the full report.

Are you a freelancer? Here are some tips about obtaining health insuranceyou may benefit from. You may also be seeking a place to work from aside from your dining room table. Consider a co-working spacefor a little variety and human interaction.

Have you become inspired to move to one of these top 10 best cities for freelancers? The temptation is understandable. Working freely and in a desirable location make for a dream job scenario!

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