
Jobs don't have to be miserable!

Photo by Charles Deluvio (unsplash)

Though the wave of tech layoffs and the threat of a recession has overshadowed yesteryear's news of the great recession, everywhere you look, employees are asking for more — and getting it. Though this time of uncertainty could have given employers back the power, it's still in the hands of the workforce.

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Over two years into the most momentous event in our lives the world has changed forever … Some of us have PTSD from being locked up at home, some are living like everything’s going to end tomorrow, and the rest of us are merely trying to get by. When the pandemic hit we entered a perpetual state of vulnerability, but now we’re supposed to return to normal and just get on with our lives.
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They say a messy desk is a sign of creativity (at least the messy people do) but wouldn't some organization be a breath of fresh air? Papers everywhere, not a pen in sight, and Post-Its floating around like a ticker tape parade may make it seem like you're working hard, but when your 2:00 meeting rolls in, your area looks more "pigsty" than professional. Get your items in order, clear your chaos, and you can still be as "creative" as before…just now you'll know where your staple remover is. Here are seven desktop items that add style, sophistication, and storage.
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Some people are born to engage a crowd – they're confident, cool, and collected, even while speaking publicly.

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