
Feng Shui is about manipulating how energy flows through your space. By manipulating this energy you can reinvent your space. Using Feng Shui in the office is all about organizing in a way that makes you feel energized, focused, productive, and powerful. Without making big changes you can retake control. So use these Feng Shui steps to harness your offices' chi for your success.

Step 1: Declutter Your Desk

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The first thing you need to do for any Feng Shui is to declutter. If you want to manipulate your space's energy you can't have anything blocking or clogging it up. There's a mentality that if you have everything on the surface you'll find it easier but it really distracts you and slows you down. Cluttered desk = cluttered mind so take everything off the surface and organize it out of your sightline.

Step 2: Find Your Power Position

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A principle of Feng Shui is that your chair should always see the door. It makes sense why that's the command position, because you have heightened awareness of your surroundings. This isn't typically possible for a cubicle so make your space your own by creating a barrier. You don't want to be face to face with anyone.

Step 3: Consult the Bagua

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A bagua is an energy map that will help you organize your space by bringing the power of intention. There are two different styles so pick which one is best for you. It's all about inviting energy into specific areas that you want to focus on in your life; ie. wealth, family, creativity etc. To use the bagua make a simple map of your space then break it up into 9 equal sections. You then place significant objects in the corresponding area. A plant can invite in wealth, a photo of a loved one can help your relationship, and it's all about exploring what is important to you. You can do this over your entire office, or on your desk.

Step 4: Bring Nature into Your Space

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Plants, running water, and elementals are a crucial part of Feng Shui. They invite life into your space and living plants help the chi flow around while also filtering out air pollutants. If you don't think your office could sustain a plant check out this fantastic list of options. Water can be tricky and if you can't have a fountain consider artwork that is H2O inspired.

Step 5: Make Sure There's Balance

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Balance is key so make sure that everything is in harmony with each other. To do this you should think about all different kinds of balance. The forces of yin and yang can be seen as more than darkness vs. the light and are often equated with feminine and masculine energy. The elementals wood, earth, metal, fire, and water should also be balanced in your office. Most offices start out full of fire and metal, namely the lights and your computer or filing cabinets. To balance you need to bring in elements of wood, earth, and water for a calming and focusing effect. Plants work wonders. Earth and water colors or artwork are great substitutes for real nature. Remember it's your office, so do whatever feels right to you.

If you follow these 5 simple steps you are sure to increase the energy flow of your office, bringing in positivity and harmony. This can help you stay focused, energized, and inspired in an otherwise stifling environment. Use these tools to help you achieve your optimal Feng Shui so that you can achieve all the success you deserve.

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We spend so many hours per day at work, so it comes as no surprise that not every moment goes swimmingly. Humans have their ups and downs, and when the downs are workplace-oriented, awkwardness can ensue. But then, people have trouble dealing with uncomfortable situations for fear of being unprofessional or worry that things will become even more difficult if the topic is discussed at all.

Should we let the sticky scenarios go on or speak up to set things straight? If you are the type to talk it out, but office awkwardness has kept your lips zipped, here are some tips for handling fairly common workplace conflicts without causing chaos.

The Super-Noisy Nuisance

There is always that one shout-talking, paper-rustling, loud-chewing noisemaker in the office that causes distraction and annoyance. Everyone agrees they are unnecessarily boisterous, but nobody wants to be the one to ask them to take it down a few notches. Not only is this irritating, but it can affect your job performance.

One technique to get this person to listen to your gripe is to "make it clear that the problem is yours, not his," as suggested by Fast Company. "So, you are asking for his help to clear up your problem and not focusing on him as the problem. In that way, you might be able to enlist his help while not embarrassing him. If all else fails, you should chat with a supervisor to see if you can get your desk moved."

But Work Happy Now makes it clear, "Before asking your co-worker to stop a certain behavior, make sure that you aren't guilty of something as annoying yourself." Nobody's perfect, not even you.

"Reply All" Ramifications

Unsend! Unsend! Have you been humiliated by hitting "reply all" or responding to an email you meant to forward to someone else with some added comments and complaints you'd never want the original sender to see? Modern technology sure has its perks, but screw-ups are still a human element.

Reed recommends, "The only thing you can do in this situation is come clean. Take the person in question aside and express your sincere regret in making the mistake. Apologize for any offense caused, listen to their reaction, and move on."

Huffington Post adds, "Make the apology in person or by phone, especially considering that email leaves tone to the imagination of the reader. You don't want to risk getting it wrong again."

When a Peer Gets Too Personal

"TMI" is awkward enough when it comes from a friend, let alone someone you work with. If a co-worker is divulging too much personal information, it can run the risk of overstepping boundaries, making for an uncomfortable atmosphere. While you want to maintain a certain level of trust around the office, getting too deep can get you in deep trouble.

As Experience points out, "Look first at your own actions to make sure you haven't unwittingly implied that you're an available confidante. If your behavior isn't what needs altering, draw a boundary by suggesting a more appropriate person for your (co-worker) to take his problems to such as a family member or friend."

Gossiping about others is in the same boat. It may feel like human nature to participate in such behavior, but rise above and go about your business. Work Happy Now suggests, "When someone tries to share office gossip with you, try changing the conversation, or simply tell them that you don't like talking about others because you don't like it when people talk about you."

The Food-Stealing Fiend

You were looking forward to that chicken salad sandwich you picked up at the deli on the way to work only to find it missing from the communal fridge. And that half-and-half for your mid-morning coffee? Half-gone. What gives? Looks like you've got a snack-stealer on your hands, and it is likely that it isn't only your goodies they are gobbling.

This may seem like a petty problem, but as per Daily Telegraph, it is pervasive. "A survey released by online grocer Peapod revealed that 71 percent of employees have had their personal snack, drink or meal stolen out of communal-office kitchens. Not only that, but in urban areas, 40 percent of employees admitted to having been the perpetrators of lunch theft."

Work Happy Now has the answer, "Put your food in some sort of container, and make sure to label it with your name. If it keeps happening, ask, in a non-accusatory manner, if anyone has seen your food items. This usually does the trick."

Unless you work alone, you are bound to hit an awkward spot at work at some point, if you haven't already. Keep your cool, keep it professional, and keep the peace.


You could have a desk like everybody else's, or you could make it stand out. Bring your personal style into the office and make your desk your own. Here are some of the best places to buy unique, fun, and beautiful office supplies.


Target office supplies

Hey, you're already here for dish soap, aren't you? Target also has great office supplies! Check out the affordable meets glam line of office supplies by Nate Berkus. Deck out your desk in gold accented pieces to stand out from the crowd. Whether you want hammered gold letter sorter, shining pencil holder, or a glittering tape dispenser, you can up the drama. Skip the typical office attire for this glam glow up.


Wayfair office supplies

If you want a whole office renovation or just a couple of desktop organizers, Wayfair has you covered. Interesting desks, unique office chairs, aesthetically pleasing filing cabinets, Wayfair has it all. They also are incredibly wide-ranging in their decors, so whatever your personal style is, it will be represented. If you head there and get scared by prices, don't panic because there are plenty of products available in every price range! Don't know which direction to decorate; check out their awesome room ideas!

Think Geek

Think Geek Office Supplies

If you have a very specific design theme in mind based on your favorite book, tv show, or video game, then check out Think Geek. They have things that are useful, but they also have just plain fun desk decorations. Bring out your inner geek, have the most interesting desk, and fill your space with all of your favorite fandoms.


Poppin Office Supplies

If you're looking for a desk upgrade that won't cost too much, then check out Poppin. They specialize in colorful modern office supplies that add something new without breaking the bank. The bright colors bring the fun while the sleek lines add a sophisticated element that makes this aesthetically pleasing.


Amazon office supplies

Sky's the limit with Amazon office supplies. Any aesthetic you choose for your desk is right at your fingertips. Go cute and whimsical, modern sophisticate, or full-on glam with every kind of office product you could need. I mean, it's Amazon! There are a million things waiting for you, but you just have to head down the rabbit hole and seek them out.


Anthropologie Office Supplies

Office supplies never stood a chance against this fashion mogul. A mix of modern and classic styles from a high end expert, they have a more quirky approach to office supplies that doesn't really feel childlike... more fun adult with a twist. Whether you're looking for boho styles, standout metallics, or whimsical goods, you'll find what you need.

TJ Maxx

TJ Maxx Office Supplies

One of your favorite clothing and home goods store also has some gorgeous office supplies. Let's be honest it's all about rooting through your stores' specific products and seeing if there is a diamond in the rough, but the online store is a good bet if you are looking for something specific. So next time you're on the hunt for a maxxinista deal, go check out what hidden gems are lying amongst the large buddha heads and scented candles.


Winter is officially here, but it's only getting started. With these short days, long nights, and frosty temperatures can come some seasonal sadness. A great way to fight that is to bring some nature indoors! Even if you have a home full of plants, spending hours in your office everyday can leave you missing mother nature. There's no good reason to keep plants out of the office! They improve your mood, productivity, and air quality. Here are some of the best plants to try out in your office or at your desk!

Spider Plant


A versatile plant that is hardy enough to survive varied light, water, and temperature conditions. They thrive in partial sun and shade so windowless or not you can have a green companion. Just pop it in a pot with sufficient drainage and give it a little water once you see it's soil is dry. These do look best in hanging pots but they can sit on a desk. They come in a lot of different sizes so no matter your office's size you'll find the right fit.

Snake Plant


A nice sturdy plant, if you can find a small one it can work for any desk. It stands straight upright so it won't be growing all over your papers but will still provide plenty of beautiful greenery. This can handle some drought as well so it is a great fit for people who aren't the best at remembering to keep things watered.



A great plant for office, home, bathroom, anywhere! It's very forgiving with light conditions and won't get upset if you forget to water it once in awhile. It will grow full and long but don't worry too much about the roots because it likes to be a little rootbound. These are a great plant because of the variety of verigations and because they are great air cleaners.

Peace Lily


A tropical plant that has gotten used to tree's stealing all of the sunlight, this plant is perfectly adapted to the shade. They like water so keep them moist, especially if you want to keep them flowering! The flowers bring cheer in the heart of winter and they are one of the best plants for cleaning toxins from the air.



Low and medium light works just fine for some bamboo, but the best part is that it can happily grow in water. No soil to check, just make sure you swap out the water every once in awhile and keep it filled up.

ZZ Plant


You know at the mall when you are wondering if that plant inside is real or fake? A lot of the time it's a happily growing ZZ plant. Great for people who can't seem to keep anything alive the ZZ plant can thrive on low light and water, in face they prefer it.


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Ferns are great for low light but they do like to be kept nice and moist! These guys can't be forgotten about or they'll turn all brown and dry up. They can come in many different sizes and features a wide range or variations.



If you have an office or cubicle with some sunlight then consider a cactus! They are famously low maintenance for anyone who wants some greenery but doesn't want to be constantly worried about them. There are plenty of varieties and sizes to choose from and all of them can work as long as you have the sunlight they need.


Just Maggie

Another sunny option is a succulent. If you have the sun they need they will hardly ever bother you. They need minimal water but can provide a lot of color and comfort. With a ton of varieties you can mix and match to create stunning pieces of living art.

So brighten up your office this winter with any of these great options! Give your productivity a boost, clean up some stale winter office air, and make your mood a litter brighter this winter season.